
Are white people scared of this finding . . .?

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  1. not at all it's only skin colour

    why would we be worried... :S

    and i also do not live in the US so yeah..

  2. no y would we be scared its all talk  and neway now will be able to pull the race card lol im j/k

  3. Carlos,

    Whites are probably divided about 50-50 as to whether they find these kinds of articles scary or not. However, any Whites who are well-educated know that the Earth with 6,000,000,000 (six billion) people and growing has just about reached it's saturation point in the number of people it can sustain. Scientists estimate that it would take at least ten (10) planet Earths to sustain  6,000,000,000 people for a long period of  time.

    Therefore, there are going to be some precipitous (steep) declines in all human populations over the next one hundred and twenty- five years. Asians,  Africans, Arabs  and Hispanics will have to brace themselves too.

    So, in conclusion, you could say that articles like this Yahoo News article kind of miss the point because they look only at the microview of the situation rather than the macroview which is more important in the long run.

  4. Yes. I think most whites are espeically the racist. They are so just to being the majority and have their race well represented.  (=

  5. couldnt care less

    why would i care about something going on in america for a start

    i live thousands of miles away.

    and what difference does skin colour make anyway?

  6. I saw that this morning and have to tell you I was very enthusiastic. Of course, I'm not your typical middle class American white male - but still, I think it's great. I'm all for diversity.

    Yeah us!

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