
Are whites trying to gain more members to add a little spice to there race?

by  |  earlier

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im noticing they are starting to claim everything on yahoo answers if your mixed with a bunch of stuff they tell you your white

i even saw one lady accuse an egyptian person of being white lol its startin to get a little ridiculous




  1. that's really funny 'cuz i think the same thing about some other races...asian, native american, black...

    some people who are of mixed race tend to claim they're asian, native american, black, etc, not mixed.

    personally i don't see why it matters.

  2. I think I know what you mean.  In the 2000 census taken in the US, they tell all North Africans, Middle Easterners, and Indians to check the box for "white".  I was shocked.  I doubt the people in those countries consider themselves as white, but I believe it all comes down to the government not wanting the white race to become the minority.  With numbers come power, and they don't want to give that up

  3. I couldn't care less if someone is mixed or pure race, is not like we are horses or dogs.

  4. I don't get what you are trying to get at.

  5. im sorry im not trying to be rude well i am get over the

    whites V blacks etc...

    whites V this that green blue what ever

    god it is only a colour for crying out loud why let it run your life

    EDIT: hahahaha i know you are taking the p**s out of me but it is funny

  6. gain more members?  being white isnt a club...

    so no i don't agree with you fully, though i do believe that people should stop telling others what to identify as.

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