
Are wild mushrooms good to eat? ?

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I have seen some growing wild in a park and was wondering what they taste like.




  1. Be very careful. Many mushrooms are toxic. If you don't know the exact species of mushroom, don't touch them.

  2. unless you know which specie ~don't some of the most toxic kinds look very similar to the edible ones.

  3. Go for it... if you want to mess up your insides and possibly die!

    (like the horse whisperer Nicolas Evans and his emergency dialysis!)

  4. No, not all wild mushrooms are edible because they contain harmful toxins(poison) as our body cannot digest them

  5. yeah that probably isnt the best idea in the world. like that guy said if you don't know the species don't eat it. most wild shrooms are toxic, and can mess you up, BAD!

  6. some wild mushrooms are safe to eat while others are very poisonous.if i were you i wouldnt risk eating wild mushrooms buy them from the shop just to be on the safe side

  7. yes they are lovely cooked with garlic butter

    after a while everything goes all floaty and colourful......

  8. I even have some beasts growing on my lawn, but no, don't take the risk unless you are an expert, there are so many poisonous types around, go to the supermarket.

  9. Actually the best ones are the ones growing from old cowpies.

    Just be prepared to take a trip and never leave the farm.

  10. lmao

  11. always be extra care full re mushrooms in a park ,dogs may have wee'd on them.

  12. If you are serious about eating wild mushrooms find a good market that sells them.  That way, if they sell you a poisonous one that kills you, your family can sue the market and pay for your medical expenses and funeral!

    Seriously, it takes an expert to be able to identify edible mushrooms.  Not all the ones that are inedible are poisonous.  They just taste terrible.  You can try to find a mycologist at a university that can train you collect safe mushrooms or find a collectors club that have members that have eaten and survived their mushroom forays!

    I've taken a graduate level course in the study of fungi (mushrooms) and would not feel comfortable in collecting and eating wild mushrooms!

  13. An easy way to end up in casualty (Emergency) on a Dialysis machine with b^ggered kidneys.

    You really have to know what you are doing. Go with an expert AND a good reference book.

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