
Are wolves nocturnal?

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Can you please give me some details and about the specie and about the season please

I can't find a good website that tells me the truth..

Please and thank you!!





  1. Not really. But they do some of there roaming at night.

    If they were nocturnal,they would hunt and eat at night

  2. and type wolves... some Wolves are nocturnal but the majority are both.

  3. Wolves are primarily nocturnal

    This study supports other reports that wolves are primarily nocturnal (Murie 1944, Mech 1970, Kunkel et al. 1991). A few studies (Kolenosky and Johnston 1967, Vilà et al. 1995, Ciucci et al. 1997, Theuerkauf et al. 2003) examined wolf activity in enough detail to detect increases in activity at dawn and dusk. Our study supports these findings and demonstrates that these peaks may not be detectable via GPS telemetry if the GPS interval is >3 hours. Peaks were lost for wolf 850 during conversion to one location per 4 hours. This suggests that movement patterns with crepuscular peaks may have been present but undetected in several previous studies and may be more common among wolves than is generally known. Observations of some captive wolves (MacDonald 1980) but not others (Kreeger et al. 1996) support this possibility.

    One study seems to conflict with our results that wolves are primarily nocturnal. Theuerkauf et al. (2003) concluded that wolves were active throughout the day. However, the apparent difference probably results from our defining activity as actual distance traveled. The wolves in Theuerkauf et al's. (2003) study also traveled least during daylight, so in that respect our findings are in agreement. Apparently, wolves are active during the day without generally traveling as far as they do at night. And certainly in some areas wolves travel extensively during the day (Mech 1966, 1992, Peterson 1977, Peterson et al. 1984, Boitani 1986).
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