
Are woman trustable on relation?

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Are woman trustable on relation?




  1. You are breaking the rules of Yahoo/Answers by asking such a question in this catagory.

  2. nope they are not

  3. JUST LIKE MEN - some ARE, some ARE NOT!

  4. If a woman doesnt cheat on you within a month you can trust her.

  5. depends on the woman u r involved wth.


  7. Women are different.  Each individual have morals and values that they hold on too.  Depending on the woman that she is...........she will be faithful or not.  I have a friend that her husband is unfaithful to her so many times you can't count and she still stays faithful to him.

  8. Yes.

  9. NO cauz they look for wat they call nice guy and hansom with nice body and he is funny, thats the girl's parameters for makin chice abt a guy , they dont look through u , they cant see deeper, thats why they always find another one to love ,

  10. yeah we are!!!what do you think??unless the women you are having a relationship with is not that inlove with you. if a woman is really in love with you, i tell you she'd probably be that in to you and she'll spend almost all of her time for you, and in that way you can say that she can really be trusted. you see, if a person really devotes his/her time for somebody, it really means a lot and if that happens to you, then that person must be really in love with you and thus, she can be the person whom you can trust...(^.^)

  11. Not anymore trustable than men are.

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