
Are women's (and men's) reproductive rights still in danger?

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Today, the American Life League, Pro-Life Wisconsin and Pharmacists for Life International Associate are staging a protest stating that the "Pill Kills". Their basic premise is that the birth control pill causes chemical abortions, at these rates:

# Approximately 6,605,000 to 11,725,000 chemical abortions occurred in the United States annually.

# A total of 196,325,000 to 324,325,000 chemical abortions wiped out the equivalent of the entire United States population in a 30 year period!

it seems like there are attacks from every angle on people's ability to control the rate at which they reproduce.

How do we, as human beings, counteract this type of zealousness? What do people think they are accomplishing by removing contraceptives? Do you believe that birth control will ever illegal? What should happen to people who refuse to allow other’s a personal choice about contraceptive (specifically pharmacists since the PLIA is involved in this protest)?




  1. Wow... those people are crazy.

    I doubt they'll get anywhere with this, because that's a pretty extreme view even for a pro-lifer. Most of them know that preventing pregnancy is not the same thing as abortion.

    As for what should happen to them... nothing. I HATE their views, but they definitely have the right to feel however they want. I don't like the idea of thought-crime, and I hope you don't either. If they were physically preventing me from accessing birth control, that would be another story, and charges, possibly kidnapping or assault depending on what they did to keep me from getting it.

  2. i think u a troll. U keep writing that decision in heartbeat quote.

  3. Zealousness is evident among some on both sides of this debate. The very fact that terminating the lives of pre-born humans is seen as an acceptable option for what you term "reproductive rights" demonstrates pro-choice zealousness. The idea that a private citizen should kill medical professionals who perform these terminations by bombing their clinics also demonstrates zealousness. Both ways of thinking result in death, so both, in my opinion, are reasonable examples of zealousness.

  4. Well, men have no reproductive rights for starters.

    But i dont know where your getting these statistics, but i find it REALLY hard to believe that 11 million chemical abortions occured in 1 year, thats like 30,000+ chemical abortions per day! 1200 every hour! 20 abortions per minute.

    I REALLY doubt that buddy

  5. Someone should give those people statistics about the harm we are doing our planet by overpopulating it, which is what we should be worrying about.

    I don't think contraception will ever be illegal. The results would be disastrous.

  6. Abortion has been made illegal in many countries in recent years and birth control availability has been limited in other countries. In our own country birth control pills are becoming more expensive and difficult to obtain for young women-so even though birth control is not illegal in our country-it's effectively being reduced by increasing costs and decreasing access for those that most need it-the young and the poor. Abortion in our country is being outlawed step by step by limiting the types of procedures that can be performed-and by forcing women to first view videos or get counseling or are forced to wait for days before they are allowed to get a legal abortion. I think birth control pills and birth control and abortion could easily become unavailable. If you look at the state books the majority have outlawed abortion so if roe v wade is overturned-abortion will be difficult to attain legally in the US. I can see the same thing occurring with birth control pills and later with all birth control.

    Birth control pills were not legally available in the US until 1961 I believe and unmarried couples didn't have access to it until the late 60's or early 1970's...the next US Prez will have a major impact on the composition of the US Supreme Court. I can see abortion becoming illegal during my lifetime again-it's only been legal since 1973. With the apathy present in our society-I can see the pill and birth control becoming illegal again as well.

  7. Birth control will never be illegal.  It is a responsible option that prevents thousands upon thousands of abortions and tragedies.

    People do, however, have a right to their opinion.  Let them protest, they are entitled to do so.  And, thankfully, those protests are no danger to the people who disagree with them.

  8. Where exactly in the constitution are the reproductive rights?

    Am I missing something?

  9. Yes, women's reproductive rights are still in danger.

    (Men do not have reproductive rights, which is another debate entirely.)

    I have my own issues with the pill and the side effects is causes women and men both.  The side effects it causes the environment also.  I'm not really worried about their chemical 'abortion' statistics though.

  10. i really do think i'm falling in love with you

  11. the "Pill Kills" campaign is based on a fallacy. Our reproductive rights are almost always under attack.  There are laws and bills proposed every year attempting to limit our rights.

    Even birth control is being limited.  In Virginia a law was passed  so that birth control companies cannot sell birth control at discounted rates, meaning that options at school clinics are limited, and it is more expensive for this specific population that is usually in debt.

    There are limits on how old you can be before you get birth control on your own.  Pharmacists can deny giving you the morning after pill, imposing their beliefs on you.

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