
Are women actually hairy,but us guys think they're hairless because they shave frequently?

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do you girls also have a mustache? i'm not insulting.just honest.




  1. some girls have mustaches, it's gross but they probably wax it or something. and yes, we have leg hair, etc..we just shave all the time.

  2. Ok I'll tell you everything!

    Girls don't have facial hair, or VISIBLE facial hair anyway.

    We do have hair on our legs (but not thighs) which most girls shave/wax.

    We have hair on our arms which like barely shows and doesn't look bad on most girls. Most girls don't shave it but there are some who do.

    On the rest of our body there isn't any hair except for the obvious places..!

    So there you go!

  3. girls don't have facial hair

  4. i don't have a mustache ew gross!!!!!!!!!

  5. Girls that said they have no mustaches are probably 11, wait a few years.  We all have facial hair as we get older, it's normal.  Don't be ignorant and say "eww"... as delicate flowers are we are we are also human. Lets start being honest and get some pressure off our backs. We are not perfect but we try. Our nails are not naturally pink, we paint them.  

    Women usually have less hair than men and in different areas... Facial hair grows in much less quantity, much finer and much lighter.  We wax, shave, tweeze, dye, buff, laser... pull any sort of magic trick we can get our hands on. It all depends on the guy and the girl... some men have very little hair and some women are very hairy, it's genetic.

  6. girls r hairy to

  7. Seriously, most girls are pretty hariless, even before all our shaving, waxing, etc. effort.

    The few places we have it, tho, apparently lots of energy and $ must be spent, eh?

  8. girls have the same number of hairs as men on their bodies, but womens hair is much softer and lighter so you cant really see it.

  9. yes girls do have facial hair but its softer and usually blond but some women shave it or bleach it ingnore the other girl we do have facial hair

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