
Are women allowed to join an Special Forces Units in any Military Branch?

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I know that Green Berets and Navy Seals are closed to women but do any of the other branches offer Special Forces Training for Women?




  1. No, but you can be attached in support roles. I used to date the cutest little red head in the 7th group PAC.  

  2. women will never be allowed due to the high risk nature of sf operations imagine if one was captured  she would be raped until her v****a fell off. sorry to be vulgure but its true gurrila's are savage as h**l

  3. You could try the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and the UK Special Recon Regiment they both accept women and homosexuals. I guess the boys in the UK and Israel are more secure about their sexuality than the good old boys in the USA.

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  4. I'm a liberal person, and I gotta say it's the GIRL POWER MATTER!!!

    Why not? Just go for it, look for a place where they actually really allow you to go..

    You should know earlier women weren't alowed to be police, but take a look at the fact now?

    I hope you will succeed

  5. Not in the states but the Ausie army had SF females that were hot and killers which made them hotter

  6. All branches do not allow woman to serve with any special forces. Woman are not allowed to fight in combat. HOWEVER certain jobs (MOS') that we hold may put us in combat situations. Operators in convoys, medics, translators, etc.

    So unfortunately infantry and special forces jobs in the military are closed to woman and can only be obtained in the movies like GI Jane.

  7. Not only women can't do Special Forces/Special Operations, women can't even go into combat roles. The closest a woman can get to combat is Military Police or EOD.  

  8. Not yet but if women push it enough and show that they can do it things could change.

  9. No. Women are not able to serve in U.S. combat units. It's not because of a lack of determination or proficiency, women are excellent shots, there's a very simple explanation. When women get injured on the battle field, men get distracted and also put undue attention into treating their wounds, since they have a lot of sensitivity for women.

    Being distracted under fire is very dangerous and results in injuries and deaths that would not have been sustained otherwise. The Israeli's used to put women in combat roles, but learned very quickly that men devoted their attention to them and became engrossed and distracted from the combat. It's emotional enough to see your buddy severely injured, but a woman causes much distraction.

    In WW II, women were deployed as Snipers by Russia and performed incredibly well, and they were also used as spies; very good ones. Their proficiency levels were superior to many men and their kill ratios were amazing.

    In some countries women are still trained and deployed in combat roles and perform with skill and determination, but not in the U.S. Military.

    There is only one female Sniper that I know of, which is extremely rare, but she is spectacular at her assignments after graduating from the only Counter Sniper program that accepts women. Senior Airman Jennifer Donaldson from the Illinois Air National Guard. This awesome individual also served as one of the role models for the film GI Jane.

  10. No, Special Forces train for direct combat. Women aren't allowed in combat.  

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