
Are women always right?

by Guest65468  |  earlier

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My wife showed me this article a little while back when I was getting ready for work and she said it just goes to show what she knew all along, that us blokes think we know it all when really it's the ladies that are right...

(Clears throat) "Yes Dear"

What do you think about it all folks?




  1. theres no doubt!!!

    and well also the other reason guys cant be in normal relations its casue they are mest up by life and had  bad mother .  

  2. Science alone cannot prove everything, Women Overall are not always right, Sure they maybe oriented differently than us guys are, our priorities are different sure, Nevertheless that does not make women more superior to men or vice versa.

  3. Yes

  4. well i wasnt going to say yes.. but as it is medically now known..then YES


  5. No, they are not always right. Women and Men think differently, that's all. Women are better at getting fast surface information, analyzing it, and organizing it all very quickly. Men are better at getting down deep into something, learning it from the inside, and mastering it. So it really depends on the situation.  

  6. Once a woman gets married, she will always be right, no matter what. When she's single? She can be wrong as often as she is right.  

  7. 95% of the time they are right  

  8. No, but tell them they are!

  9. You didn't try to argue with that, did you LOL!

    At last it seems to be sinking in !

  10. They are when they say so..

    By the way..Take the paper off her in the mornings....heehee

  11. Of course women are always right - thats nature - men just cant live with it!

  12. No. We are not always right as for the opposite s*x also are not always right!

  13. As my Mom always says, "I'm always right, and even when I'm wrong I'm right."

  14. I absolutaly dread to think of some of the women the Men on here are going to wind up with on this showing

    Of course they are not always right, if you see me with a girl you can ask her and she will tell you no. (you could also ask her if you think any other girl is having a better time than she is, just to see what she says)

  15. Women are just alright with me. Gods perfect creation.The best of the best.He got it right the second time.

  16. I just love Adams' answet - I totally agree with him!

  17. they cant be right in everything just dont lie as often

  18. Was prob. a woman said this "I'm not often wrong, but I'm right this time"

  19. Interesting

    No, we're not always right but the same goes for you guys.


    lol and i'm a woman so i'm right about that.

  21. probably from a woman who wanted to justify it. they cant see what it's like to be a guy listening to their c**p all day

  22. absolutely

    practice this line, she will love it ==> yes dear, i was wrong, but i know you can prove me wronger

  23. Not always, but mostly.

  24. Of course they are.

  25. Yes.  

    When a woman appears to be wrong, this is the fault of a man having given her misinformation, thus causing a positive negative response.  In this sense she is actually right, within the boundaries of the man's wrongness.

    But you don't need to understand that.  You just keep saying "Yes, dear" until the whining stops.

  26. can't believe you even thought about asking this lol yes we are honey and don't you forget it  

  27. what a silly question you know we are...........


  29. No big surprise to me. I truly believe if women ran the world it would be

    a better place to live. They we carry a child are less likely to send that

    child to war.

  30. that would be a resounding YES :D

  31. I think woman only say they're right when they know they're right, because they like being right. So it would appear so.

    Men do that too though, of course.

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