
Are women being brainwashed to have a sun tan?

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There seems to be a lot of orange looking women around these days,

Also i have heard comments from women saying that guy looks to pale or he looks like dracula etc ( not me).




  1. Yes, they've been Tangoed.

  2. i have a tan but it is a pale golden colour

    i think peoplelook better with a bit of colour but going orange is not a good look

    i achieved my tan the old fashioned way ......lazing on a sun lounger, by a pool reading trashy novels .....brilliant!

    and i aim to do it all again next easter ...

  3. FFS why can't women just be individual? I am sick of seeing these identi-kit plastic tarts day in day out in the city.  

  4. Not me, for what, it's raining mostly...... there isn't even heat here at the :)

  5. That's funny, but probably true. I think some women feel that tan skinned looks healthier. That's reinforced by what they see on tv/magazines and by how guys respond to them when tanned.  

  6. yeah women seem to be tanning more these days but they are using the tanning lotions that make their skin look orange. I think it looks hideous! Women want to be tanner and are not using tanning beds as much so they are using healthier tanning methods such as tanning lotions, creams, wipes, etc. The only problem is that they look ORANGE!!

    I personally don't do it!

    I don't care if a guy looks pale or not. I wouldn't want to be with a guy that cares too much about his tan.  

  7. Nope, if people want to do it then fine, but I have no desire to!

  8. Loads. I haven't tried sun tanning though.

  9. Yes. Yes they are.

    Its just a cultural thing. In Asia - girls try to stay out of the sun and remain as pale as possible because that is considered to be the attractive thing.

    Ive seen some really bad fake tan - oompa loompa girls with bright orange skin.. nasty

  10. I am luminescent white. No amount of 'brainwashing' could ever change the fact that I do not nor ever will go brown.

    I think a light tan is lovely ...we are inclined to associate that with health. These mahogany monsters though..eww.

    I would maybe use a fake tan but call me fussy I find smelling of digestive biscuits a bit off putting.

  11. Not at all.

    Some women are so insecure that they NEED to colour their skins with either fake tan or sunbed tans to feel confident.

    MOST women do not suffer from insecurities such as Tanorexia.

  12. It's articles like this that are brain washing women to feel like they need a tan

    All the comments on the article hit back and say how beautiful Nicola looks, take a hint people

    It's all very sad because everyone should feel happy in their own skin, not go an destroy it

    Anyway not sure why there are so many orange ladies in Britain. We sure as h**l don't have the climate to support these very neon shades of skin

    Bring back the porcelain beauties!!

  13. You know the saying 'Monkey see...monkey do...' Well, this monkey likes her pasty British skin and doesn't want to look like an orange. I do like the pictures of orange celebrities though. (makes me laugh)

  14. Oh yea! Everything in the media these days. I think tans are disgusting! (Unless if you naturally have one.)  I think women these days think they look good with tans, and wanna be like hollywood celebreties, who actually live in places with lots of sun.

    Some just aren't comfortable with there skin tone for whatever reason. Hopefully in the next year I won't see alot of people with orange skin.

  15. I don't think so.  We all like to have a 'glow' when it is summer time, however, this year has been pretty rough when it comes to summer, so  I guess, from what you have said, many women have turned to the 'fake tan' bottle?

    I think it stems down again to all the celebs looking permanently suntanned and skinny - it somehow leads a lot of women (not all) to believe that is the way to be.  Have to say, I was under the impression that the minimalist look was in at the moment?

    Lets hope they read your question and understand that it does not look good being orange, but looks like the guy with the bright orange rubber gloves has come and rubbed them all over and they have been tangoed!


    Ha ha! If they have pink feathers round the cuffs.... it's Mario alright!  :)

  16. lol..I know i laugh whenever i see a tan go bad on a woman...

    I like to do it naturally by the sun at the beach and i would still use sunblock..

  17. There is definitely pressure on women to look a certain way and being tanned is one of them.  But like everything else, the tan has to be perfect or you are ridiculed - too pale, too streaky, too orange.  

    The only tan I could ever have would have to come from a bottle due to my lovely pale skin (milk bottle tan as it's called in Scotland).  Luckily I don't give into pressure and I'm happy with my grey-blue colour.

    Also means I won't look like an old handbag when I'm older!

  18. Many are brain-washed into following all fashion trends whether they suit them or not.  It`s a pity individuality didn`t become a fashion trend rather than the `sheep` mentality.

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