
Are women considered generally to have less integrity then men-- as witnessed in their agreeing to

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0 LIKES UnLike standards in lieu of personal prerogative, as well as their agree-ability in changing life roles at the willing or request of others (more so than men) ?




  1. musicluv...:finished with your sexist carry on and unfounded assertions about female integrity(except in a women's studies class or magazine)?  I say BOLLOCKS, sorry.  Men have just as much adaptability and so on, it just does not conform to your vision of those characteristics.

    Truth is, integrity is up to the individual, and what one person might consider to make themselves a person of integrity will differ from that of others.  In some situations, being more focused on others is more important, and in other situations, one is better to focus on one's own needs.  That is not a cop-out, it is common sense.

    The exact meaning of "integrity" is something I think you need to more clearly define in your own mind.  It is also an issue when you feel the need to qualify and judge the percieved integrity of others.  Sometimes you can make accurate calls, but at other times, you do need to hold back from judgements, because you don't know someone well enough to make such judgements.

  2. Women hardly have less integrity than men.  Their agreeability in changing life roles at the request of others just simply shows that

    they are more compromising, adaptable, and more cooperative with others :-).  

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