
Are women cutting off their noses to spite their faces with McCain?

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Are you really going to have a hissy fit and vote for McCain because Obama didn't choose Hillary? How will McCain policies benefit you?

Again, trying to make a decision here but that just seems stupid.




  1. Are you kidding me? I live in central Arkansas and am fed up to here with the Clinton machine. I am very happy he did not choose her. I think McCain's policies will benefit me about the same as the policies of Bush....oh wait, aren't they the same? Lol.

  2. Women love freedom and the constitution just as much as men. Women in the work place, just like men, think they should be able to keep some of their paychecks instead of handing it over to a socialist government. Women, just like men, benefit much more from opportunity than they do from free rides and handouts. Women are intelligent enough to see through the empty phrases offered by the democrats.

    And women have the right to make up their own minds who to vote for. They don't need your patronizing pat on the head.

  3. If Obama chose Clinton and she accepted I would lose all respect for her. After the shameful way he and his surrogates treated her to accept the VP position would be the act of a whpping dog crawling on it's belley and begging forgiveness from it's master. Obama is just a disgusting piece of ~_~_~_~~~.

  4. Here is another reason...

  5. Obama and his wife have played the"race card" so the question is, who do you want our next president to be.  

  6. McCain doesn't use demeaning terms like "sweetie."

  7. there are a lot of frustrated old hags around.

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