
Are women easier to be read??!?

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if yes..why??




  1. it depends on the women does she want to be that transparant????

    its her behaviour and she will dictate how she wants to be seen by people

  2. Yes.Women conceal their feeelings.

    But do not worry ,if you lean body language you will be able to read woman in no time,and take her to BDR.

  3. O' yes, we are.

    The reason is because we are emotional beings.

    When a women is happy - she cries;

    When a women is sad - she cries;

    When a women is angry/mad - she cries;

    We know how to use the tears, don't we?

    You can read a women like a book, her emotions shows on her face and actions.

    According to men, women are physically the weaker but boy, what they don't understand is that we are emotional very strong and can also take far more pain and endurance.

    To then answer your question, and that is that women can be read easily, but don't be too sure for the next moment she can change from a angle to something you don't want to know.

    Wrong or what?

  4. Women are harder to read than men. The extra 2 letters is a slight but tangible delay in reading the word.

  5. Not at all

  6. I wonder what you're asking here.  Women do seem to convey their emotions more openly than men sometimes, but have just as much practice at hiding their true feelings as the greatest of male liars.

    For every time a man has thought "I can't understand women", there's a woman hiding her true feelings successfully.  Perhaps women can understand other women, but classically men are oblivious to the subtle messages sent to them by the fairer s*x.

    Men, on the other hand, have a fairly instinctive ability to recognize the minute ways in which other men express their feelings.  The social interaction between men may be subtle, but it is always present.

    I think that as a general rule, men and women both conceal the majority of their personal feelings, and so are perhaps only "easy" or "hard" to read because of our ability to relate to them sypathetically.

    Conversely, being a poker player, I've found that while I have little trouble finding the holes in the deception of the average male player, the average female player is slightly more adept at subterfuge.  Perhaps this is because there are so many mediocre male poker players, and so few women play poker that only the really dangerous ones stick with it.  I'm not sure about that, really.

    In conclusion, however, I feel that men and women use different tactics of deception; some intentional and others instinctive, and our ability to see through them is probably related how we ourselves practice to deceive.

  7. No. Because they catch expressions and tone of the voice better than men who have less ability to do so. That is why men are worse liars cause woman often see through men. if woman has an affair she will can it so that her husband will never find out.

  8. No, and since i said no i guess i dont have to explain right.

  9. only by another woman, not by a man we are far too deep and complexed and only another of the same can get close to working us out.

  10. Yes - Because women has been subject to the reading of men in the social sciences for so many years. There is a habit of reading her, the subject to the male gaze...

  11. No.

    Women are an enigma wrapped in a puzzle.

  12. the most difficult task of the world is to read a woman.

    and one of the most easiet task of this world to read a woman.

    why?.....coz a woman can be handle by tackle only not by anger or lover every time.

    the combination of both made easy and worse as well to read a woman

  13. You cannot read a women because they don't know themselves what they are at that given moment! There's too many overlaying layers of everything to single out any specific reading!

  14. Yes

    more open body language

    display emotions more readily


  15. more emotional?  evolution has women workign in groups more so might be eveloved from that?

  16. You gotta be joking, right?!?

    Women are the most difficult to understand species on the planet! Mankind has made many many technological achievements over centuries but still has failed to understand the mystery that is woman!

    Men are the easy ones to read:

    If in a normal state - he wants s*x.

    If in happy state - has just had s*x.

    If in tired state - has just had s*x, now needs beer.

    If in miserable state - Not had s*x for a while.

    That's it!

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