
Are women horn er than men?

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Are women horn er than men?




  1. Gold Digger: Yeah, cuz you've done a whole lot with your life right...

    I'd be surprised if you work at all, and if you do, minimum wage is a cruel mistress.

    Women are just as horny as men, despite gold digger's misguided sexual "experience", they are just alot less open about it.

    Trust me, i've been with women who wanted to s***w me so much i couldn't keep up, it varies from person to person.

    Flouride: Ain't that the truth :P

  2. s*x drives can vary from one person to the next.  but on average chicks want s*x just as much as any dude despite society teaching us dudes want it more.

    Gold digger's the exception.  she hates s*x.  and she thinks all chicks are like her and hate s*x as much as she does.

    Gold digger:  i'll say it again.  you're screwed up.  you need a shrink.

  3. Oh course it varies from person to person.  But I think woman are just as horny, if not hornier.

  4. It vairies person by person but generally I think women are about as horny as men.  I know that I have a s*x drive higher than most men and know many women who feel the same.  Of course, I also know men with low s*x drives and a few women with low s*x drives.  Its all dependent on the individual.

    Still, they say men think about s*x all the time-- women do too, we just don't admit or own up to it as much.  Ever read a romance novel?  Half the book (if not more) revolves around s*x and graphic s*x scenes.  Yeah, we're just as horny, we just hide it more (for some reason.)

  5. More precisely, women- with a little practice, can be as horny as any male.

  6. Perhaps we don't obsess about it as much...but normal, healthy women like s*x just as much as any man.

  7. no way....  s*x is all guys ever think bout...  its all they live for....  we women r so much luckier that way cuz we dont need s*x like guys do....  we can spend our time doing much better things insted...

  8. I've never known a woman who stopped a man on the street to have s*x with him.  For free that is.  So no I don't think women in general are hornier than men in general.  

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