
Are women in Australia into black guys?

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Just was wondering if women in Australia would be open/interested in an attractive black guy in Australia, more specifically like Sydney or Melbourne I guess. I know all women are different, race shouldn't matter, etc and all that jazz... but just to give someone whose never been to Australia an idea i'm curious to know.




  1. There is a certain amount of suspicion towards anyone who is different in Australia.

    "oh, I suppose you came here it impregnate our daughters and gain citizenship?" LOL

  2. i have already seen many Aussie women dating black and other asians. i think its not an issue for them..

    as long as the guy is responsible and loyal to them.

  3. I think black is hot!!!   I am Australian.

  4. ummm yes and no, its just part of personal opinion, my father is black, my mum is white and my husband is tan. Ask 10 women and guaranteed 5 will say black, and 5 will say white....


  6. I don't know because I live in the U.S. but Australia is a beautiful country. It seems so peaceful there. I doubt the people would be bias but everyone is different. One might like black men and the other might like white.

  7. A lot of women in Aus like African guys, especially in Perth

  8. The better question is: Are you into white women?

  9. I'm always dated black guys - they're so much better !

  10. Eoghan has it wrong: ignore him.  Australian women are very diverse and if you are an honest, likeable fella loads of women will take to you, regardless of your ethnic heritage. Mixed relationships are extremely common in Melbourne and Sydney.

    Come on down and try us!!

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