
Are women in reality the "stronger" s*x?

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Many facts make me think that women are actually the "stronger s*x". Here are some of them:

1. We live longer

2. We are prettier

3. We give life

4. We are smarter.

5. We can have s*x when WE WANT and not only when we can (like men)

6. We are more responsible and mature.




  1. 1 theres evidence supporting the assertion that men are smarter, but also on avcerage across a larger base about equal.

    2. No sweetheart - your attitude is ugly, that makes you ugly. Your need for one to be better than the other shows a lack of confidence.

    3. Yea you might give life - but not with out sperm - so not with out men. Could be argued we dont have an unstable hormonal system rendering us about as emotionally developed as a teenager (until about 40). But then not all women are incapeable of handling themselves. I'd rather retain my respect for the women that can. So much for your superior child giving organs tho.

    4. Ok you live longer on average. Woohoo grats on your birth.

    5. s*x when you want huh? and men cant ..... someones been telling you porkies and helped you up on to your pedistal havent they :)

    6. Mmm more responisble and mature - debateable. Very. If you have to tell me you are ... well you probably aint. Maturity isnt rubing it anothers face as to how much more so you are ...

    Good luck with your delusions hunny.

  2. 1. In some countries.

    2. Do you know what "subjective" means?

    3. So do men.

    4. Debated, and anyway, does it matter?

    5. Women are much more likely to be raped.

    6. Some women are mature, some aren't. Just like men. And again, why does it matter?

  3. 1) You live longer cos you dont have testosterone flowing in your blooding telling you that crazy thing are ok to do

    2) You win hands down every time

    3) But without the dough you wont have a bun in the oven

    4) Both genders can claim that

    5) We can have s*x when we want it, its called a hand which is a cheap date to get drunk

    6) Are you trying to tell me that brittney spears and paris hilton are more responsible and mature then men

  4. 1. yes, by not taking the serious dangerous and strenuous jobs you have accomplished this.

    2. do you really want a pretty man?

    3. takes two to give life! oh my, did you not get the birds and bees talk?

    4. do you have empirical proof of this 'fact"

    5. huh?

    6.  responsibility and maturity comes with age not gender.

    i guess it come down to your definition of "strong"

    go ahead flame away!

  5. 1. you live longer because more is expected of men. That puts more stress on us.

    2. if you say yur prettier then you must be somewhat of a L*****n because i would never get caught calling any man "pretty" or "good looking"

    3. you dont give life you give BIRTH. it takes two to give life. without man OR woman there would be no giving of life.

    4. Neither man or woman is smarter than the other. Both sexes have the same potential in that area. You ladies probably stereotype us guys as grease monkeys... thats why you said that.

    5. you can only get s*x when you "Want" because you women tend to want the "a******s". if you were to approach a guy like me and wanted s*x it would take more than just taking your clothes off to get it.

    6. yeah... while we're going through puberty.... doesnt  mean thats forever. I can tell you for a fact that 100% of the girls that i hang out with are REALLY immature... thats probably more of a perseption thing but i would place money on it.

    well all of those are based on perception... DUH...

    i love these kind of things are posted. Shows who has a one tracked mind... you should really get out of the box yur in hun.

  6. its a mans world girl!when you get married think about it.he should be taking care of you.he should be running your home.(but in a proper).we may live longer be more prettier and get s*x when we want it.but it's a proven fact that most men graduate from college then woman to answer your question Men are the stronger s*x

  7. my cardiologist says women are a lot tougher than men.

    the women recover from heart surgery much faster, and HE says that the men are cry-babies about the pain, compared to the women.

    what women don't have is  major upper body strength - big muscles.

  8. Yes and no.  We live in different worlds with different realities viewed thru different eyes and judged by different social laws.  Comparing women and men is like comparing bananas to mangoes.  

    In a lot of ways, women are stronger.  And in a lot of ways, men are stronger.  To have us fight against each other, weakens us, our children & our country/ies.

  9. 1) you drive us to death

    2) what does looks have to do with strength?

    3) big ******* deal, you want a medal? without sperm you are a barren wasteland

    4) yeah right, when pigs fly and h**l freezes over

    5) guys can say no too, honey dear

    6) women today are about as responsible as my cat

    No. Men are stronger.

  10. wel it really depends...i mean if ur a girl who grew up with older brothers u mainly have to defend  for ur self and if u marry a guy who is an only child and never had to defend for himelf than in that marrage the girl can be really depends

  11. Don't be a troll. There is no "stronger" s*x (in an emotional sense) nor "smarter" s*x, and well you know it.

    So quit stirring the pot.

  12. no they are the weaker vessell according to the Bible.  

    don't shoot me, it's that we are to give honor unto the wife as unto the WEAKER VESSEL

    that's what the Bible says.

    women are more easily decieved according to the Bible.

  13. Nope.

    1) So what? Men are physically stronger than we are, by and large.

    2) That has nothing to do with strength. If it did, only attractive humans would be strong, and that is patently false.

    3) Men help. We can't give life if a man doesn't help us conceive that life.

    4) That's bull. And very sexist too. I hope you don't actually believe that kind of school yard nonsense.

    5) Who cares? That doesn't make us stronger. That just means that our bodies are different than men's bodies.

    6) Baloney. And again, sexist. This is exactly the kind of crappy attitude that feminists blast men for taking towards women, so why is it acceptable for you to have it?

    I hope you don't really believe this stuff. I like to think that people grow out of the gradeschool "girls rule and boys drool" mentality by the time they're adults.

  14. 1. Older men aren't as helped as older women

    2. YES you are pretier - doesn't make you better.

    3. You give life - So do we.

    4. We are smarter - Not true, we also argue more logically and because of our intelligence we have rules for ages.

    5. We can have s*x when WE WANT and not only when we can (like men) - That's cause your looking at the wrong guys - any guy could get laid with an uglier women

    6. We are more responsible and mature - not true either, boys become men but girls will always be girls.

    We are physically stronger, mentally stronger, more logical, better built, run faster, better thinkers.

    EDIT -

    1) Let's do an assult course and see who finnishes first

    2) You've got to be full of yourself, so you are NOT pretty but ugly

    3) I'd like to see you give life without a man

    4) I bet I have more common sense than you do and a higher IQ

    5) I could get as much as you if I went for the really ugly girls like you would go for the ugly guys

    6) From your question, obviously not.

  15. you think what you

    quote - "Margaret Thatcher: - Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't".

  16. 1. Yeah because you don't exert yourself as much as men do. We wear our bodies down, your inherent predisposition to be more of a hypochondriac means you'll take care of your body much better than a man thus it will last longer

    2. What's this got to do with strength? :S Bears aren't pretty but they could sure as h**l f*ck you up

    3. With the help of male sperm. As it is you just carry and give birth

    4. Moot point, no side has proven alot there except that perhaps we have different strengths in different areas

    5. Apart from when you're raped

    6. Individual. Didn't know responsibility and maturity were gender specific.

  17. 1. Possibly strength-related, more likely just taking better care of yourselves.

    2. How is this strength-related exactly?

    3. We can't help that.  This is a bad argument.  

    4. Prove it, sexist.

    5. This makes no sense.

    6. Prove it, sexist (again).

    The only one that might make sense is #1, and that's very debatable.  Most of the rest of what you said is just sexist.

    Thanks for this though.  The next time somebody claims "There's never anything sexist against men on here!" I have something else to add to the pile.

  18. In reality women need affirmative action/quotas, special laws, and privileges to give them a "leg up" so that they can compete with men.

    So much for the "stronger s*x".

  19. Actually,

    You're the oven.....But without a trip to the store you have nothing to bake.

    This Dough Boy says you've overbaked your brain.

    You're terribly wrong on 5 of your 6 statements.

    If you have to ask which ones you're not very #4.

  20. The person who quoted Margaret Thatcher ("Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.") got it right.

    Many women are stronger than many men, and many men are stronger than many women, in all sorts of different ways.

    But for you personally, the fact that you rely on sexist bigotry to validate yourself indicates to me that you aren't much of anything on your list.

  21. 1. You can have that. I'm not looking forward to being a wrinkled walking corpse.

    2. Some women are, some aren't. You're lucky if you are pretty because dogs get treated like... well, dogs.

    3. Life in this wretched, foul and sinister world isn't worth very much.

    4. I contest that. There are more male geniuses, and more male idiots. It averages out to be the same between the sexes.

    5. Not when you're alone, at night, in a dark alley. Laws made, and usually enforced, by men are what protect you most of the time.

    6. That's why there are so many unwed or teenage mothers who can't take care of their spawn without government assistance.

    Strength has nothing to do with what you've listed. There's physical strength which men are obviously dominant in. There's also other kinds of strength such as determination, will power, honesty and being just. I'll not get started on those.

  22. 1. We live longer

    Statistically yes, but this still varies.

    2. We are prettier


    3. We give life

    Yes, but you need the sperm to do it.

    4. We are smarter.

    I will easily beg to differ having met and worked with enough masters and phD holding females and males - from good universities too UCs, Ivy, London schools. There are the tops of both sexes out there and the bottoms so this varies too. But on the majority I would disagree with you.

    5. We can have s*x when WE WANT and not only when we can (like men)

    Yes, but do understand that s*x can easily be bought at any time because there are enough women out there willing to exchange that for a monetary fee, and are probably better looking than you.

    6. We are more responsible and mature.

    Depends on the pool of men you are looking at. Again, from the higher qualified lot of men and women I've met and worked with, I would go with men here on responsibility. Maturity however, I think women are more mature when they get to adulthood.

    IDK though, overall i think there are enough Pros and Cons to both so it doesn't really matter.

  23. I disagree. No gender is stronger then the other. You are just pointing out womens advantages but not weaknesses. Just like men have weaknesses and advantages.

    But thanks for being a proud women like me!

  24. You are generalizing way too much. No gender is stronger, better, smarter, or more mature. And the "live longer" is the only usually true fact. Women are not smarter than men, intellegence does not relate to gender, and some people are mature and some aren't, which applies to men and women, and both men and women give life- no baby without a sperm cell.

  25. Both sexes have their strengths and weaknesses. I don't think one is inherently stronger than the other all around. Besides, it's not a competition anyway. The point of feminism is that both have merit and should be valued in their own way.

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