
Are women insulted by McCain's choosing of Palin as running mate?

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It seems to me that the decision was based on nothing more than an assumption by Republicans that women will blindly vote for a woman. Personally, I give women more credit than that.




  1. The thinking here is crazy.  What was the choice of Biden?  That was done to pick up a certain population of voters and to offset the fact that Obama has no experience in anything.  Biden was in the senate longer than McCain and yet Obama wants change.  There is no change in that pick but business as usual.  Palin in not a Washington insider but is truly a change from what has been the standard.  She has experience in running a government body, making instant decisions, working on budgets, is familiar with the environment that does contain a lot of natural resources, and is in charge of the state's national guard.  What experience does Obama have in that way?  The honest answer is none.  Since he came into the senate he has been running for the presidency and has missed a lot of votes.  So if picking someone that is not a Washington insider, has values, has experience, is not afraid to put the country first, and happens to be a woman is pandering so be it.

  2. My emotions have run the gamut over this.  The moment he announced his nomination I was actually mad. I knew what he was trying to do; he intends to steal Hillary supporters.  Then, after doing a little research about Palin, I was a little dumbfounded because she seems like such a ridiculous choice.  After it all settled in, I, indeed, am left with feelings of disgust that McCain would think that women could be so easily convinced to follow the skirt simply out of some sort of twisted sense of sisterhood.  (There's got to be a Twisted Sister joke in there somewhere but I'm not feeling witty enough to find it).

    I voted for Hillary.  And I admit that my choice was influenced by the fact that she is a woman.  But this was a difficult choice between two Democratic candidates with very similar political goals.  When Obama won the nomination, I didn't hesitate for a moment to shift my support to him.  

    As for McCain: No way. No how. No McCain.  

    Shame on him for thinking I could be so easily bought!  That must be why he thinks women don't deserve equal pay for equal work. We're so weak, you know. *note the sarcasm.  

  3. I don't really care about politics, but it looks like McCain checked all the boxes with this one. She has 5 kids, the oldest is in the military and is going to Iraq on September 11th, her youngest is 4 months old and has downs syndrome. If the Democrats are playing the race card, then the Republicans are playing the gender card.

  4. Well, I don't think so. In fact, I think it's proud for women. There was once a woman running mate, but she didn't win. So, if McCain wins this election, Palin will inspire many woman to do what they want to do. However, I don't think McCain thought through this decision. He only met Palin once, so I don't know what or who told him to select her. But we never know! Who knows, maybe she might help McCain.

  5. They should be by this latest ploy to get votes.. No real woman supporter would be so dumb as to even listen to a Conservative woman and think she has any comparison to Hillary...  

  6. What I find funny is that Dems have been pandering to unions, minorities, g**s, and illegal immigrants for decades but seem to find nothing wrong with it. McCain chooses a woman with more experience than Obama and Dems have a hissy fit.

    Palin opposed the Gravina Island Bridge project (better known as the "Bridge to Nowhere"), a $398 million bridge would have connected Ketchikan, on one island in southeastern Alaska, to its airport on another nearby island. Because of the excessive amount of pork-barrel spending in the project, she would not fund the the $329 million that was short for the budget. She instead said that the best option would be to upgrade the ferry system.

  7. It seems to me that you're wrong.

    How come Democrats are allowed to put up women candidates without criticism or scrutiny -- but Republicans' motives are questioned when they do it?

    And how come liberals always seem to focus on the SKIN COLOR or the GENDER of a candidate -- rather than his or her actual track record?

    Governor Palin, unlike Obama, does not merely pay lip service to the idea of "not just politics as usual."  

    She actually lives it -- she has fought corruption at all levels of Alaska government, including within her own party.

    She brought about a state budget surplus -- and then returned the money to the taxpayers.

    As mayor of her hometown, she gave HERSELF a pay cut.

    She also has more real-world, private-sector business experience than Obama, Biden, and McCain combined.  

    "Nothing more" than her being a woman?   Examine her record, my friend.   You're just flat-out wrong.


  8. I think it was a stupid move, as bright as Bush I picking Dan Quayle. Haha. I don't want someone in the White House who abuses their power. Oh... wait... I already do. That's not change you can believe in.

  9. I'm certainly not surprised about John McCain anymore.  McCain will insult anyone or try anything if he thinks it will win him votes.  He will pick on celebrities--people who are not even politicians--in an ad who did him no harm after collecting campaign donations from their families.  McCain's pick of Gov. Palin says something about his qualifications; should we trust ANOTHER Republican that will assign duties to those who are not qualified?  I heard some say she's more experienced than Obama because she is a Gov., not just a Senator.  So what, George Bush was a Governor.  Obama was a Senator for 8 years, Palin was a governor for less than two years.

  10. My girlfriend is!

    The problem is that McCain did this purely for political reasons, instead of choosing the most qualified running mate. There are plenty more qualified women than Palin!

    Why does it matter - because of his age! It's a real possibility that she might need to take over! Scary!

    Her entire political career consists of running of a town of less than 10,000 and then less than 2 years running a whole state ot 700,000. That's less than half the size of a major city!

    Really, how hard could it possibly have been to balance the budget and reform in Alaska? Could she have even survived politics in New York, and lead big city change like Hillary? I think not.

    There are city Mayors who have more on their plate than the whole state of Alaska.

  11. When I heard of McCain's decision, I immediately thought that he chose her to get the votes of women.  I can't be sure, though, because who really knows what politicians do and why they do it?  No one.  

  12. You should give women more credit that that.....

    and no, I'm not insulted.  I'm tickled to death she's not some shiesty lawyer  with Harvard superiorism stamped all over her!

    I like the fact McCain went out of the DC circle!

  13. I am a Republican and I LOVE this choice! She is no token woman. Sarah Palin is the ideal mother, career woman, and family provider. She is what most American mothers aspire to be and she will be an excellent VP and one day President!


  14. I think it is more than that. She is conservative and has experience in government. I think she would be insulted by your assumption that she was chosen only for your stated reason.  

  15. I agree, McCain has taken a step too far in trying to get the Hilary voters on his side by simply putting a woman as his running mate.  Just goes to show that Obama's intellect has taken a tole on the ol' man.

  16. The Dems didn't choose the most qualified person for the top of their ticket. The bottom of the Republican ticket is more qualified than the top of the Democrat ticket.

  17. If they not, they should be.

    McCain has voted against women and their families the entire time he's been in the Senate.

    Now he sees a chance to capitalize on Hillary's bitter, disaffected supporters so he parades a WOMAN in from of them in order to get their votes.

    It doesn't matter that Palin is against everything Hillary has fought for her entire adult life.  Particularly, the right of every woman to choose.

    All that matters to McCain is that Palin is a woman and they should vote for her.

    He really must think women are STUPID.  

  18. I'm not insulted.  I actually like her.  Anyone that fights government corruption is okay in my book.

  19. Sarah Palin is exactly the type of person we need running our government.  Please read about her and you will understand.  She has beaten the corruption in Alaska and the people she busted were from her own party.  She is the mother of 5 and her last child is only a few months old.  She decided not to abort her baby even knowing it had downs syndrome.  She served in the military and her oldest son is about to deploy to Iraq.  

    She became the mayor of an Alaskan town at 32.  She headed up the energy ethics commission in her state and broke up the good ole boys network there.  She beat the incumbent governor two years ago.  She has proof that she is the real deal and has an 80% approval rating in her state.  That is quite remarkable for a 44 year old woman.  She is not a Washington insider and she never will be.  Her convictions are displayed throughout  her life in her bold decisions.

  20. She brings much much more to the ticket than womanhood.  She's a tough fighter for the interests of the people, she went up against big oil, she knows the ropes on the complexities of delivering oil without messing up the environment, she's articulate, she's governed the biggest state in the union and had to make executive decisions every day.  In that capacity she couldn't just say "Present" as an answer and when it was a bad decision she got the heat and if good, the legislators got the credit.  McCain wanted someone outside the same old way of doing Washington politics.

  21. Yes. I am kind of insulted, because he is kind of making the move that makes it look like he just did that for the women's vote. I belive, also, that Palin has a lack of experience where Biden does not. I don't care if she has a family. I want to know about her skills in office.

  22. I can't understand why you don't look at her record and family values....experience means nothing to me if you are an evil person...I'll take ethics and fiscal responsibility any day over experience...ethics and fiscal responsibility is less harmful to my bank account

  23. I am not offended, I am thrilled. It is not important how many people were in her town, it matters HOW WELL she did the job. Any mother, especially of 5 children has basic experience in diplomacy. She has been overseas AND actually visited the soldiers. This VP pick was not chosen blindly, but because she is more like all of us than any other candidate and is a corruption-killer.You shouldn't make assumptions, you know.

    This to FT5; I AM a real woman. I have 6 kids, 2 grandkids, an IQ of 167 and am a member of mensa. I'm looking at the whole, global picture in deciding who to vote for. You have made a statement about women believing that maybe you'll sway some to vote Obama (who otherwise wouldn't) because you think your statement will make them think they'll be stupid if they don't. I have to tell ya, you're way off base there. And if I'd wanted a 'Hillary' in office, I would have voted for her.

  24. As a Republican woman, I am honored. I think he made an excellent choice as a running mate. Personally, I had never heard of her before, and was taken aback when I saw it, but after reading pages and pages of her record, I was truly impressed. It was a perfect choice!

  25. In the end, all white people will vote for Mccain, all black people will vote for Obama. Most old people will vote for Mccain, and most women will vote for Obama. So it really comes down to the number of registered voters and the number of old people still alive.

  26. Palin is a reformer, a maverick, a whistle blower, even against someone in her own party.  She fights waste; she fights corruption.  This is what McCain likes.

  27. Yes!

    Hillary voters care about many issues, and several of those issues for most of us include women's rights, which Palin would seek to repeal.

    I give women more credit than that, and I believe that McCain's three-prong strategy has been reduced to two prongs.

    McCain, I believe, hoped to unite the party by nominating a harder line conservative than himself, he hoped to win over upset Hillary supporters, and also, I believe, win back some of the women in his own party, who might have decided it was time for a woman to take office, while also diffusing the singular historic nature of an African American Presidential nominee (okay, so it was four prong).  However, Hillary voters do not seem to be falling for it, thank heaven!

  28. I was leaning toward Obama even though I don't agree with everything that Obama stands for. I'm pro-life and I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, although I don't believe in discriminating against anyone no matter what they believe in. This choice that McCain made truly shows the respect he has for women. I'm a woman whose been in more than one abusive relationship. I can well recognize now a man who disrespects women. He opposed the Violence Against Women Act, which is something that saved my life and completely turned it around. He didn't choose a woman to empower women, he's against equal rights for women, he chose a woman with less experience than other women he could've chose. He chose a woman he thought could persuade women and Hillary Clinton supporters to a cause they don't even stand for. This shows he thinks women and Hillary Clinton supporters are ignorant. I also wonder if anyone notice the body language that Palin showed after her speech toward McCain, its obvious she wasn't comfortable with him close to her. Hillary supporters need to truly show they have her back and stand for what she stood for, She doesn't stand for a man who disrespects women's rights and treats them like they're ignorant. American WOMEN and HILLARY SUPPORTERS should be OUTRAGED and INSULTED at McCain, I make plea to all AMERICAN WOMEN to WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    BTW, this sealed the deal for me, I choose OBAMA and HILLARY I DO HAVE YOUR BACK, even if I don't completely agree on everything!

  29. He's pandering to the Hillary Democrats, who are hurt that she didn't make it.  The intelligent ones will not be duped.

    Those who think a woman does NOT have the "right to choose", SHOULD vote for McCain/Pa.. (whatever her name is).

    McCain "believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned."

    McCain and the Republicans believe a woman does NOT have the right to decide whether to have an abortion!


  30. i'm offended. my intelligence is offended. plus i think he was trying to get those clinton supporters, but i don't think the group is that big, i think the media is overhyping disgruntled clinton supporters.

    how is someone with 5 kids going to run the white house when mccain dies. are these little kids or big kids? i don't know ANYTHING about her. obama had the problem of no one knowing him, but he had a long time to change that. palin has like 2 months. good luck

  31. No, I'm not insulted. It's long over due for more women to be included in good old boy network in Washington.

    Anytime women make strides regardless of the reason I am glad.

    Why do people keep putting women down just because there is one on the republican ticket? You don't have to agree with her politics, but why it is so hard to applaud that there are strides being made for woman. If we can applaud the strides Obama has made for blacks why can we not applaud the strides Palin is making for women.

    It isn't rocket science. Many of Hillary's supporters will not vote for Palin because they have very different political views. But on the flip side; many people will vote for Palin on the ticket, because like me they recognize good qualified women have been passed for far too long.  

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