
Are women judged harsher than men in the Olympics?

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Last night I watched the Men's all around gymnastics & watched the Women's all around gymnastics & could not help but wonder why the women's performances literally were performances in every right (I mean the ballet technique in the performances was evident as well as the music) Why didn't then men incorporate music in theirs? Is it sexist for only the women to have music in theirs?

Tell me your thoughts.




  1. you've found the one sport where women aren't completely outperformed by men? well done!

  2. you have a point.

  3. you have a point.

    too bad it's on the top of your head.

  4. I actually prefer watching men's gymnastics. Part of the reason is the lack of music and sticking to tumbling instead of posing and dancing like the women do much of the time. I like the sheer athleticism and strength the men show in their performances.

  5. There are some events that are meant for one gender.  We don't have to be alike in everything we do.  Normal men and women love our unique differences.

  6. No, it's not sexist. Not every dust bunny under the bed is a monster.

  7. I am a Women's Gymnastics Judge.  The Women have used music, dating back to having a pianist at the Gymnastics meets since the beginning of competition.  Men's Gymnastics is older than Women's participation in the sport, and their Floor Exercise came from Tumbling Competitions and later added strength moves such as press handstands, and balance moves - that you don't see so much any more.  

    There has been a small amount of talk about adding music to the Men's but they want the sport to look macho.  So, I guess it is a bit sexist, but in the same instance it is celebrating the differences in Women's and Men's bodies, and developing each to it's fullest extent.  Different, but equal.  

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