
Are women manipulative?

by  |  earlier

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short sweet and to the point. I've been noticing a lot lately a lot of women will test your reactions to stuff to figure out your psyche and act as if they can figure you out once they think they got you figured out they try to manipulate you and get under your skin to open you up or to change the environment you're around to work in their favor just because they want to feel superior? especially in a work environment.. which i kind of oppose women working in the first place and can understand why now but if so... then that must be all there is to their existence and it really bugs me because I don't think my only purpsoe in life is to be someone else's slave, because I am no better than anyone and likewise noone is better than me. a woman is not my God and even the ones that try to tell you stuff to lighten you up area always the one waiting for oyu to expose yourself so they can feel empowered as if they are God and they are not. It's insanity. I hate it and I won't stand for it




  1. No :-)

  2. Not all, but a lot of them.

  3. truthfully; very much so; unless they are a woman of God...the Bible even says to run from a woman....unless you have found a woman described as in Proverbs last chapter...i think 31

  4. What you see/interpret as manipulation I think is different communication techniques.  Women put more weight on emotional content, but men are not forthcoming on that, so they have to get clues elsewhere -- and there is a ton of more stuff there that confuse/irritate men.  (vice versa!)

    Read the wiki summary of  "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"

    Then go to the bookstore and buy it and read it.  Not the library, this is too important to just go by memory.  

    It should be on your book shelf, and loan it out to your girlfriend(s) if they have not read it.

  5. It's like asking are men horny. Sure there's the occasional gelding or schizophrenic, but generally the answer is yes.

  6. they will certainly try it on, but what they really want is a man who isn't taken in by it and is not afraid to put them over his knee for it.

  7. Women are not manipulative, wh0res are.

  8. Haven't you heard? Women *are* superior to men:

    "We are, as a s*x, infinitely superior to men." - Elizabeth Cady Stanton, quoted in ‘One Woman, One Vote’ (Wheeler 1995, p. 58).

    Therefore any manipulation is for your own good, even if its sending you to jail just because you scared  your wife or ex;...

  9. I agree with you.

  10. Has it really never occured to you that People are manipulative?

    It must be awful to be so bitter and insecure and to have such feelings against 1/2 the human race.

  11. Everyone is manipulative.  They learn from birth to use their skills to get what they need.

  12. haha this is funny!

    but umm no i dont think so.

    or maybe we are just aliens from another planet that try to get in your head so that someday we can take over the world?

    who knows.


    just kidding..



    and no!

    theres your answer!


  13. Are you sure this is what women are doing and not just the insecurities you have in relationships playing games with your thoughts? Because if every woman you get with does this do you then it's not them with the problem its you! It could be that once you get close to a girl, your “skitso” alter ego mind tells you that she's taking control over your thoughts, your mind and emotions. You get scared that you're falling for her and YOU back away out of fear of being hurt. Remember, not everyone you meet or get involved with is playing games with your mind.

  14. That's 1 of the downsides of women working in the workforce. If all that you describe fails, then they try to sleep with you. They are masters of manipulation. The trick is you have to stop seeing them as women, and just see them as subordinates, peers, and superiors. This will help. But be prepared to be call g*y, insensitive, and anything else they can come with. This is when you know they realize they can't get to you or break you. You have to see them for exactly what they are, and don't be afraid to let them know. They will have no choice but to respect you or leave you the h**l alone. Its a win-win.

  15. Watch this video. It's funny how a lot of these women think these lame tricks work. Any self-respecting man should be able to spot out those type of women like a sore thumb.

  16. Some are, but so are guys. Try dealing with my manipulative ex (who's a man). Geez.

  17. Yahoo! Answers isn't a soapbox to vent personal frustrations or rant about issues. We are a community of people with diverse beliefs, opinions, and backgrounds, so please be respectful and keep hateful and incendiary comments off Yahoo! Answers.

  18. (yawn)  Don't you have any friends to talk to?

    This is a personal rant.

  19. Yes.  We manipulated you into asking this question!

    Really, some women are manipulative.  People without direct power must use manipulation to get what they want.

    If you want a lesson in manipulation, you should listen to a man try to get a woman in bed!

  20. Gender is not the prime culprit in manipulation. Both sexes can use this ploy. From the time a baby is born it's one of the characteristic's first learned. You cry, you get attention. As a toddler, you throw a tempertantrum, you get attention. As an adolescent, you sull up..stop talking...don't eat, here comes Mom..."what's the matter sweetie"?....more attention!  If it works through childhood, it can carry over to adulthood. The thing to do is make it known that you find it childish and that you will not tolerate it . No matter how much you care for someone, it gets old fast!

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