
Are women mentally tough? i think not?

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so lets say a women gets attacked. apparently, the reason they scream is because they got caught off guard. ok fair enough, now tell me, why doesnt a man do that? women are the ones supposedly mentally tougher and able to handle the pressure (as has been said by people who try and justify the reasons why women arent physically tough) but just tell me how many men would scream like a little girl and flail around when they are attacked. this supposed mental toughness is complete bollocks. when it comes down to when it counts, when your life is at risk, women certainly do not have the physical or mentally ability to cope.




  1. Testosterone and Estrogen levels are the core scientific reason in anyone's aggession levels.

    Women have a Higher estrogen level and less testosterone , and its proven that Most men have greater muscle mass... that bieng said

    less dominate stature+higher estrogen vs Testosterone fueled attacker= Fear and screaming is a natural reaction to fear.

    a small 150 pound man thats ambushed by a 280 pound nut job might scream too.

  2. These troll questions are lame today.

    Anyway, when I was attacked I didn't scream. It's actually quite difficult to know how you will react in such a circumstance. Some men do scream. Anyway, so what? It's a way of attracting attention, which is a good thing. I initially froze but was then able to fight off my attacker and run away. My life could well have been at risk and I both coped with the initial situation and the aftermath.

    Mental toughness takes many other forms. My mother might not be able to fight off a burly 6 foot mugger but she's one of the most mentally tough people I know. She's been through numerous illnesses, redundancy, deaths of family members etc. with an extraordinary amount of resilience and capability and lack of complaining.  

    I wonder how much you have experienced to make such a sweeping judgment about over 6 billion people.

  3. That screaming thing we do is a defense mechanism; when we scream, it sends a burst of adrenaline to our brain energizing it for the onslaught that we are physically going through; mental protection needs such as much strength as physical protection; anyways, that how I look at it.

    I have one worrying note to put on display; one of concern, what you are saying is that a woman cannot protect herself from a man when he decides to control her mentally; my only hope is you will deny this.

  4. Screaming is actually quite helpful when you're being attacked. It calls attention to the situation to passers-by.

    So I guess women are genetic geniuses.

    Anyway, I've heard men scream just like a startled woman. It's funny no matter which s*x it is... scaring friends is amusing.

  5. This is the stupidest question I've read all day, and look where we are: GWS, so that's says a lot.

  6. why dont any girls want to date me?

  7. Wow, I’d love for you come live in my town; you wouldn’t last one second out here. By the way 'Who', you aren't creative. You're quite predictable; could you pick it up a little?

    Also one thing; why are you so against capitals? The shift key is just there; it’s not that much of an effort. I mean come on try it. Who knows you might even like it?

  8. Clearly you have not had babies yet. If women weren't mentally tough they would never go on to have a second child once they had the first one. Women are highly adaptable and as tough as old boots, physically and mentally. When you read accounts of how women survived WWII, natural disasters and very tough lives including physical and sexual abuse, you realise just how tough women can be. Ask the same question when you are 60. See if you feel the same then!

  9. I agree the first response it to scream but I wonder more who deals with the after math of an attack. Do men fear to go out at night after an attack? Do we avoid aggressive people after an attack??  

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