
Are women more attractive.?

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are women more attractive when they don't argue or fight back.

or are they more attractive when they believe in equal rights and they want you to treat them just like you would any one else.

personally I hate girls who want to be treated just like guys. I don't know why I hate them they're just annoying and they generalize every girl with them. THey like to argue to much just to prove a point.

I'd rather be classy and let guys think they have the power.

I love the women who stayed home and cooked and cleaned and always wore dresses.

SO what do guys like more.




  1. Believes in equal rights? OK. Shrill, bossy domineering nag who believes in equal rights? I think not.

    There isn't much excitement when the woman is submissive.

  2. the second one because the 1st one is too easily to be taken advantage of and probably wont succeed in life

  3. I like a woman who is confident, and its boring to be with a women who doesn't know her own mind. However its very tedious to be around women who feel so insecure that they have to argue over every little thing, or try to control every minor aspect of a situation.

    Letting guys think they have the power is a choice that can be made from confidence or insecurity, and if made from confidence and is not based on manipulation, is fine. Dresses - great. Cooking and cleaning - I prefer to let cleaners do the cleaning and share the cooking or eat out.

  4. I don't think this is a question of attractiveness, more of self respect.

    We aren't the Stepford Wives nor should we be. But at the same time, being a b---- is not a wonderful quality in a partner either, regardless of gender.

    I think it is important that you have opinions and values that you are willing to stand up for and defend. That said, it's never going to go well if you won't hear the other side or if you label the other person as always wrong.

    Be open to both sides but a woman (or man) should never back down from a fight worth fighting.

  5. It's all up to the beholder.  To one a passive aggressive woman such as yourself may be attractive.  But another may prefer women who are more truthful and less manipulative.  

    I think a woman who speaks from her truth and however she wants to is attractive.  The s*x of a person does not automatically fit them in a mold.  

    Manipulation isn't a desireable trait from anyone, regardless of s*x.

  6. What is classy about being submissive????? Just because you like being treated as a dirty slave doesnt mean the rest of have to.

  7. "I'd rather be classy and let guys think they have the power."

    I find this very far from classy, I find it pathetic.

    And I don't live my life according to what "guys" like more. If you're hoping to find yourself in a partnership with a man worth being in a partnership with, the simpering helpless act probably isn't the way to go. If you're hoping to attract nauseating cases who overcompensate for low self-esteem by dating stupid women, then you're all set.

  8. no if you want a healthy relationship you need someone you respect not someone you have to look after though you need to do that as well and the other way round of course.

    So long as you have a functioning brain you'll be attractive and that means considering the other persons point of view as you might actually learn something...Rio is right.

    @ that's a bit harsh Tracy.

  9. It's def preferable that a women stands her ground on the basis of self confidence. For far to long women have been taken for granted used like doormats possibly by not sticking up for themselves or accepting the status quo is just defeatest, however women who think that by becoming "male" ie equal rights, pay (which I agree with)and trying to gain male traits (for want of a better word) is deafeating the object women now have in my opinion become to aggressive male orientated atitude which i can understand-but is lost in translation. Please have equal rights but stop this ego boosting one upmanship BS .

    Confident feminine women who wears dresses floral one's or anything feminine and does'nt feel the need to wear black  ALL the time.

    Sorry have just gone of on one there, I'm tired think I will go bed now nite.

  10. "Are women more attractive.?

    are women more attractive when they don't argue or fight back"  NO.

  11. I like a strong willed woman, but I also like a woman who is not so strong that I have to battle her every single day, on every issue, all day long, for the rest of my life.  Somewhere between the two extremes would be nice.  Also, I do not see the correlation between being "independent" and just being cruel and vindictive.  I do not understand how that makes one a stronger person, or is deserving of more respect.  I also really like a woman who will respect and honor me, regardless of my shortcomings, instead of reminding me constantly what they are.  Bottom line:  Have opinions, just don't be an intolerable nag.

  12. I think guys generally prefer a girl who has her own opinions and stands up for herself. Submissive girls tend to be less challenging and, therefore, less interesting. In any event, who cares which kind of girl guys find attractive, as long as you're happy with yourself?

  13. Women can stay home and cook and clean and wear dresses and also believe in equal rights.  I don't think that this mean that they want to be treated like guys.  I certainly don't.  A lot of men have a h**l of a lot of respect for housewives, and quite often, the housewife is the one with the power- she just hides it very well and lets the man THINK he is running things.  I think there is probably an equal split between men who prefer housewife type woman vs. men who prefer the other type.

  14. ok i don't get DJ king's answer. First he says he likes to love women and thinks they're the best thing going for him and blah blah blah, but then he goes on and basically says how stupid and empty minded he thinks we you like to love "stupid" people? fyi no woman is ever going to love you back.

  15. I believe in equal rights.  I am a woman- I don't want to be treated as a man, because I am not one.  I am a stay at home.  I wear dresses, I cook, I clean, and I look after my child.  I am not submissive.  I think relationships should be a partnership.  I stay at home because that is MY choice.  And there is nothing classy about being manipulative.  Being confident within yourself, respecting yourself and others is classy.  Being nasty is not.

    Is there something wrong with people that they feel we must be one or the other?  Why must we be either a man-hating b*tch, or a docile stepford wife?  What on earth is wrong with being a feminine feminist?  I am proud of my womanhood.   Why should I change who I am?  And why on earth does being feminist mean that we can't be feminine?  Where did that come from?

    If a man doesn't find me attractive for who I am- then he is not the one for me.  Simple, really.

  16. I just like women; it’s the best thing we have got going, I  take them as they come, what else have we GOT, Who else can we LOVE?

    And if they wanna fight I don’t run, if they wanna love I’m ready

    I grew up in a whole house full of women, tons of sisters, cousins, my Mum & friends.

    I learnt a lot, mainly it is confusing for them, they confuse each other A-LOT!!

    I find it hard to take women’s worries serious, as they are rarely consistence in any opinion or stance, on any issue

    I just don’t worry

    If a woman verbally attacks men, then I verbally attack back, simple

  17. I want a woman that is willing to work with me as a team to mutually pursue our individual hopes and dreams. If her dream is to be a house wife, then so be it. If she dreams of owning her own company, or being a carpenter, then so be it. What I'm not interested in is the ridiculous games girls I've dated feel they need to play in order to try and manipulate a situation. Why can't they just have a rational conversation? Don't get me wrong, I have male friends who play games as well but I've never been on the receiving end of male games, so I can't really say if they're better or worse. All I know is the need for emotional bull makes some people ugly. I just want a beautiful person.

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