
Are women more bi-sexual than men?

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Ok this is just like a personal survey.....I've heard several times the notion that there's some L*****n in all women......also I've observed from communicating with girl friends that women are more open toward the idea and are willing to explore with another girl whereas ALL guys I know INCLUDING MYSELF find the thought of "doing it with another male" very repulsive(this is not on moral or religious ground.....I guess I'm just 110% straight & love v***a's, v****a's and b***s too much =D) However I am aware of the possibility that some guys i know maybe be concealing their attraction to males when maybe I'm around to avoid out of shame or anxiety but all in all I perceive that women are more open toward the idea of having s*x with another woman as opposed a man getting intimate (even on experimental grounds) with another man.....Some of ur thoughts and ideas ladies and gentleman?




  1. Are women more bisexual than men? I just think men are more homophobic than women.

    However, I do think it's true. Women are comfortable with eachother and don't have to worry about anything if they experiment sexually, whereas if two guys do it, there's still risk for diseases and stuff. Same goes for heterosexual stuff.

    I'm interested in girls as well as guys and sometimes I don't really think I was born that way. Maybe it's a phase, but I'm happy with anyone. I just wish guys would be more open like that, it would make them more attractive in my eyes. (I don't like guys that get all defensive when you imply anything g*y, as well as those guys who are too obsessed with women.)

  2. Humans by nature are curious including males. At one point or another a males interest has been aroused by another in whatever way. What you do with it is what separates you from the pack. I say it does not matter much peoples personal preferences are theirs and theirs alone. It is seen as a turn on to alot of men and women when women are performing a sexual act. It is all the same. What one can enjoy so can the other to make it more interesting I would add a couple more and call it a smorgasbord. whew.

  3. I think it is more socially acceptable for women to be bisexual than for men to be bisexual.  People are going to be attracted to whomever - some may be more vocal about it (women).  I'm sure the amount of men versus women who are sexually attracted to the same s*x is probably equal, but guys aren't willing to admit it.  

    p.s. I think you already know the answer, why are you asking?!  

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