
Are women more prone to tears than men?

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  1. It depends on the woman. Generally, the only time I get teary eyed is when my allergies are acting up.

  2. Of course, women are more emotional...

  3. Well to be honest I don't often cry to solve my problems... I find it rather useless and I don't see how anything could be solved over crying. Call it genetics, social pressure, or outright conditioning... but women ARE more emotional than men. I have heard it coming from many men and women that if men cry they are wussies, but I think it's mainly just that women find men crying unattractive and "unalphalike". Men are looked at to be protectors and providers that instill confidence and destroy fear... but if a protector starts crying it spreads fear and uncertainty.

  4. maybe because girls are allowed to cry. If a guy my age were to cry, he'd be mocked by everyone literally. Some girls may find it cute or adorable if he's crying over love but if he's cryin over a bad day, then he's a wuss. But women have these things called periods and children that mess with their hormones and make them somewhat more emotional.  

  5. Women are not more prone to crying. Men are more restricted because they'll be called wussies for doing so. As if men's hearts weren't capable of breaking just as easily as any other human being's. :-\

  6. Kleines

    "It has nothing to do with "hormones" or women being hysterical by nature: its purely a matter of social conditioning. Nothing more.

    First, parents discourage the expression of emotions of vulnerability in male children. Fear and sadness in particular are unacceptable for males."

    --How do you know this to be true regarding the' social conditioning and nothing more' comment?

    Also, how do you know parents discourage the expression of emotions in male children? Even if this was true, wouldn't there be a portion of men who aren't raised by parents who discourage the expression of emotions-- and if so, why aren't these men seen as being hysterical and ridiculous in their emotions on par with the general description of women?


    If hysterics and public emotional outburts and crying is nothing more than social conditioning, then why don't we see  at least a few examples of men crying and being hysterical in public>> unless you are saying that EVERY SINGLE MAN in the history of the world has been conditioned by their parents in the way you say?

  7. No, there is no scientific evidence for this.

    There is evidence that women society gives women greater latitude in expressing emotion.  Men are expected to be stoic.  We all know that its not healthy for men to feel the need to repress their feelings.  It has nothing to do with "hormones" or women being hysterical by nature: its purely a matter of social conditioning.  Nothing more.

    First, parents discourage the expression of emotions of vulnerability in male children. Fear and sadness in particular are unacceptable for males.

    Second, males are taught to undervalue emotions indicative of caring and affection; females learn how to express warmth and affection, while males are taught to look upon such displays with disdain. Males do not learn how to connect to other people intimately and are even shunned for such displays; empathy and perspective-taking skills are not taught and are seen as unimportant for young boys.

    Third, there is limited subset of emotions condoned for males, most notably anger, aggression, and instrumentality, defined here as using other people to meet one's own needs. Males who do not learn expertise with these emotions become the recipients of the scorn of other males and, often, society as a whole.

    *How do I know?  Because this is what psychologists have been telling us for decades.  This phenomena is well known; like we know the earth is round, not flat.

  8. no. society imposes false expectations on men that require them to repress their feelings.

  9. Yes because they are more free to express their feelings.

    And because of hormones.

  10. Kleines Haeschen: Yeah the same psychologists who put homosexuality on the DSM-IV and believed schizophrenia to be the result of "repressed homosexual desires". Even though I agree that nurture does have a part ot play, nature also does have a strong part too. By the way, I'd rather listen to the findings of the latest scientific studies/research than listen to to age old clap trap from social scientists.

    This is the nature card (I'm not saying one is the only cause possible, unlike others). F-MRI studies show that females on average have a more developed limbic system (which controls empathy, emotions, nurturing and agreeability), possibly resulting in them being more open and less inhibited to involuntary expression of affect (such as crying or laughter). At the same time, men tend to have more connections at their obitofrontal cortex (which controls inhibition, control of limbic emotions etc.....).

    My point is, not to forget one and completely focus on the other without question. There's my two cents.

  11. I think we are, for some reason guys express that real men don't cry.That is so wrong, if we all cried sometimes we would feel better and maybe get our thoughts and actions in the right direction

  12. I have seen women use tear's as a weapon( to gain sympathy, not all women do this but some do), while on the other hand us guy's ussually cry alone or if we are around people we really really trust(on average).

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