
Are women offended by McCain's pick?

by Guest66921  |  earlier

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This woman does not represent the views of every woman in America. Though her story is impressive (true enough), is she ready to lead the country if the unfortunate happens and McCain should pass. She has no foreign policy experience, no international experience, no real gov't experience aside from Alaska, and is definitely NOT an alternative to Hillary. She has the complete opposite point of view on policies. If Palin is offered as a candidate for female voters, does that insult the majority of women who may have been independent, or previously Hillary supporters?




  1. I'm not offended by him picking A woman so much as THE woman he picked and WHY he picked her.

    What a slap in the face.

    This man has lost my vote, and several other ladies in my town.

  2. If women aren't offended, they ought to be.  There were other female candidates with much better qualifications, like Christine Todd Whitman, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Elizabeth Dole, Susan Collins, Condoleezza Rice, or Carly Fiorina.

    Palin a first-term governor of a state with more reindeer than people. McCain is 72 years old and has had four bouts with cancer. His age, health, and judgment are now central issues in his campaign to have chosen someone so completely unqualified to become president.  It is shockingly irresponsible. In his first presidential decision, McCain has shown that he is willing to endanger his country, potentially leaving it in the hands of someone who simply has no business being a heartbeat away from the most powerful, complicated, difficult job in human history.

  3. some will. but then again some will vote Mccain JUST BECAUSE of having a women on the ticket its Pathetic

  4. Hillary was the one to make the change! OBAMA is an idiot for not picking Hillary!  Sarah Palin is a slap in the face. Her views are the same as a man! She is not for change, she's a consertative just like Bush!

  5. The U.S. has always been a man country that if a woman wanted to be president they wouldn't choose her. They'd pick a man black, white, hispanic, asian whatever. Why is this? Because that's a man's feeling. It's sorta like discrimination. But I wasn't voting for Hillary I voted for Barrack not because I'm black because he would make a good president for all the African American's out there trying to be a president of a company or something. Because that's how some White's are and I'm not being racist at all.


  6. Absolutely not offended!  I'm thrilled.  Sarah Palin is a very excellent candidate.

    She is a smart women, a mother, well disciplined, educated, and experienced... more so than Obama.  (She has not been around as long as Hillary, but that can be a good thing.)

    Of course she doesn't represent the views of every woman, nor does Hillary... far from it!  You say Palin is the opposite view on policies?  Opposite from Hillary, yes, but not everybody agrees with Hillary!

    There are still some of us left that are conservative, traditional, and trust worthy.  That is why Sarah Palin is a great choice!

  7. I'm INSULTED! I will never vote for McCain, ever!

  8. She is more experienced in every way and more than the "one" that was chosen to lead  the Democrat Party. I applaud him for his guts.

  9. I thought all candidates were offered for female voters.  I don't vote gender, I vote on the person, issues, and what I feel is right for the country.  

    Her Governor experience counts, she's in charge of state security (Alaska is definitely a military target based on location and resources), and she is the type of person that many women CAN relate to.  Maybe she's not aligned with your views, or Clinton's, but she is aligned with the views of some other voting citizens.  I can relate to her more than I can relate to Clinton (and yes, I've known who Palin is and what she's done for a long time before today's announcement).

  10. How do you know he picked her just because she's a woman?  She is very warm and likable (she has a 80% approval rating in Alaska!!!), and took on corruption in Alaska (which really does fit in with McCain's whole "maverick" persona.)  Generally we have picked governors as our presidents (W., Clinton, Reagan, Carter, etc.)  So in a lot of ways she is an ideal pick.  

    Several of the other choices he could have picked would have had their own problems.  Would conservative christians have approved of Romney's Mormonism?  I really believe that is what kept him from the nomination.  Most all of McCain's choices had one problem or another.

    But let's be intellectually honest here.  First, I will concede that I do believe that it entered McCain's mind that he might be able to persuade female voters to switch to him by nominating a woman.  But how long have I been hearing that "its time for a woman to be president"?  And now that a woman is in a position that she might actually become president (vice presidents have frequently gone on to become president ie Nixon, Bush Sr., etc) many women now reject her or even go so far as to call her "insulting".  Isn't this an admission that it isn't so much about having a woman as it is about having a liberal?  

    For example, Obama clearly was not interested in Hillary as a running mate.  So if he had picked her to throw a bone to her supporters, would that be insulting?  No?  Of course not.  Because its all about liberalism not gender.

  11. I'm not insulted by his choice.  Not every woman out there is extremely pro-choice.  I'm pro-choice in that I don't want abortion illegalized, but on the other hand, I'm not for it, either.

    And truth be told, Obama has considerably less experience than Palin does, and he's running for president.

  12. I think all women should be offended by his pick. He only picked her because she is a woman and he wants the female vote.   Especially from the women who feel jilted because of Hillary. I have heard no pundit say this and that is very disappointing.

  13. Absolutely not. Its a stepping stone in the right direction. She does actually represent  more of my views than Hilary. If the nominees were Hilary v. anybody other than McCain she would have had my vote. Because even though I do not agree with a lot of her principles, I do believe she is tough enough to do the job needed. But since McCain became the Cons. pic, I believe he is more suited than Hilary.

    As for his VP pick, I think she is an excellent choice. Female or not.

    She has amazing values, ethics and moral turpitude. She is the type of CHANGE we are needing.  

  14. Offended by picking a woman? That's a new one.

  15. not at all.

    I'm just amazed that how come I never heard about her.

    The more I learn and reseach about her, the more I love her.

    She would make us proud.  Boy, a fiscal hawk who takes on big oil and ran against the likes of Joe Biden and won it fair & square?

    It's a lot more impressive than the first term senator and community organizer who eliminated his opponents by suing and eliminating them off the ballots, leaving him as the sole candidate.

    Want to know about clean campaign and run it fair & square? just research Sarah Palin!

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