
Are women really stronger than men?

by Guest60730  |  earlier

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I think so but do you!?




  1. Emotionally stronger, Mentally stronger and in some instances educationally more intelligent. Yes.

    Physically the majority of us may be weaker, there are some exceptions of course a lot of sports women are really very strong and muscular.

  2. possibly in some areas, however, i think women are more aggressive and brutal and violent, that pms and their attitudes toward men and their struggles for equality, women have become, if not always were the aggressive ones, perhaps even predatary,    do i speak from experience??   as to being classy,   no this is another misconception, women do things without knowledge, before they know results, women do not have class, it is all a myth to seemingly make the world go round easier and make peace, women are hysterical creatures who, well why are they called "battle axes"  women will tell lies and rumors to destroy other women and men, they will tell men that such and such is  doing such and such to get them in trouble,    women are not the kind trusting creatures, who some of us were brought up to believe,   no sugar and spice and everything nice is a myth,

  3. HAHA. You women are kidding yourselves. Of course women aren't stronger than men. If either s*x is stronger, it's clearly men.

  4. Emotionally? Probably.... Us men just bottle it up, women deal with it.

    Physically? My lass is a boxer and can do 40 full-on press-ups, so yeah, also. LOL

  5. Women are more stronger than all respect....In each..100..suicides..80 are men..and only 20.are women...Same as..if 100 become mad then..only..25 are women  n  75 are can see in mental hospitals..Women are having 20% longer life than men..Enfents death rate of boy child are 15% whole world....&..finally all women are..100% beautyfull than men...

  6. You know, if a man posted that from the opposite perspective, everyone would call him a pig or a misogynist.  Luckily, it is PC now to say things like that so the mindless sheep are all going to agree with you, as if it is fact.

  7. this is a stupid question every one is different. some man are stronger then weman and some weman are stronger then men. also some men are smarter then weman and again some weman are smarter then men.

    so remember EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT :)

  8. Hey I am a woman and I wouldn't hesitate to bash an evil, antisocial, narcissistic, sociopathic, psychopath Harpy to the cement face down on her nose for getting others in trouble for her own selfish needs, wants and desires.

  9. with all due respect i dont think this is a good arguement

    it matters *****ENTIRELY******* on the individual

    just out of curosity, why are some women saying here women are stronger mentally? like i said i dont believe in these arguements clumping genders, races etc and believe in the individual but men fight wars etc, have invented everything from the tampon to the television, it is men who have handled the pressure and become the great leaders and innovaters, the revolotinists etc. the ghandis, luther kings, abolishing slavery etc.

    and by the way women take almost 50 percent more sick days then men and thats excluding child related illnesses!! also men have higher pain thresholds and women are TWICE as likely to visit GPs then men and pain clinics are almost entirely female


    my point here is we should be treated as individuals but i found it curious that some women were incorrectly suggesting things about men mental capacity

  10. Depends what kind of strong u mean. most people say women are stronger mentally and men are stronger physically. If you mean physically I believe that a woman can be stronger than a man but generally men are stronger

  11. Someone said they are stronger physically but not mentally. Nahh. I don't agree. Men can lift a huge weight. We can't. This is where we need them, but thats about it. Give me another reason for needing men apart fom weight.

    During child birth. What an emotional and extreme physical experience that is. Could a man cope with that when a little cold is 'man flu?'

    I agee that emotionally we ARE stronger than men but half the time we bloody well have to be.

    Same reason we have bigger shout the kids in at tea time!!

  12. well it really depends what kind of girl you are and what kind of guy there are the wimpy guys and the wimpy women and there are the girls who will kick butt and the guys that will.

  13. depends on your view point, physically most women aren't but that's a general view.

    women i think can stand pain far more than men and are stronger in that sense.

    women are generally more emotional than men therefore men are stronger there.

    all in all i think things even out and men and women make a pretty good team :).

  14. SURPRISE! In many important ways, yes,women are stronger than men. Why? Because they live in a world of men and if you don't learn early on what the little dears are capable of,it's just too d**n bad. Why do you think women outlive men 3 to 1? Because women are more in touch with their emotions and don't try to tamp them down because of some misguided sociatal concept that to show emotion is somehow "unmanly". Another reason women are stronger is because they don't feel compelled to try and "prove " something,either to themselves or anyone ese

  15. Really, why do you think that?

    I KNOW men tend to be physically stronger than women.  This is true in most cases.  Of course there are exceptions, there are some very strong women and some very weak men.

    I think mental strength is a toss up.  Mental strength is dependent on emotional intelligence, and thought process.  These have little to do with what is between your legs.

  16. I think some athletic women really have proven to be stronger than men!! But overall naturallly women are not built to be the strongest. However women are a lot stronger mentally and have a wider opinion! So yes i think women win!

  17. i think men would rather let women believe so..

    most men opt to act the stupid type just so the girl would feel confident and happy about herself and her abilities... sadly, few men really find women as equals that they tend to stoop down and let them (women) win.

  18. Mentally they may well be and they're also equipped physically to deal with higher pain levels (as a side effect related to childbirth), but are they stronger? No, I'd have to disagree with you there, since they are at a disadvantage. Testosterone's "The Daddy".

  19. The things we go through make us stronger in ways men cannot even imagine, but when we fight w/ them like physically, no we aren't but in every other area, we are stronger, but there are exceptions. females tend to go through abuse, physical pain, emotional pain and reach mental dexterity nearly everyday, and women handle weather changing emotions much better than the male which is why they don't get them. which makes us a little more superior.

  20. It's impossible to generalise because we are all different regardless of gender. Some women I know are very weak and couldn't survive without a man and other women -  such as myself - are very independant thus 'strong' in that sense. But physically I KNOW that most men are stronger than me and that is just down to the fact that they have a better physical build and more muscle naturally. So unless a woman goes to the gym regularly a man will be stronger physically.

  21. It depends on the woman. Until they hit puberty, girls are generally stronger than boys, but when they begin losing nutrients in their blood through their period it can weaken then. But there are also a lot of weak men. It depends.

  22. Unfortunately, I guess I know a lot of really weak women. I'd like to think we're equals, but physically there's no contest, it's obvious, but that's not the comparison that really matters. Emotionally, I've seen far more women give up and break under pressure than men, maybe you're an exception? I think what you're really asking is if any man is stronger than you? In which case you're probably hoping to find someone to challenge you on it.

    I think that women are probably just as smart as men, but in my experience they let their emotions take precedence over their logic. That said, it really depends on the individual as has been said. I know I'm extremely resilient, but I've known a few women who were too.

  23. Think of it this way.....we have to give birth to babies like a bowling ball going out of a little hole, and guys cry and overract like if they're dying if even someone taps them on the balls.  So which one you think is stronger? lol

  24. everybody is different. there are some women who are physically stronger than some men and vice versa, some men are mentally stronger than some women and vice versa as well. so thats what i think

  25. are u talking about physical strength or inner strength?

    for both i think it really depends from person to person.. for physical it depends on how much the person trains him/herself...

    for inner strength , depends on how open they are to accepting whatever it is they get, and make the best of everything

  26. Physically most men are stronger.

    But not always.

    Some women are just that kickass.

    They say women are smarter.

    But not in a lot of cases.

    I think that's another stereotype.

  27. Yes we are strong emotinally too. And you know premie baby girls have a better chance of surviving then the boys, and hey we give birth and we have pms, and in pms u get cramps and if a boy gets one little cramps he whines about it. BABIES! We are better then men, and we look better.

  28. No the average woman is far weaker than the average man because their muscle mass is lower as well as the density.  This is why women are required to do less push ups in the army

  29. Women are stronger, and usually harder.

    Well, at least at the 1st and 2nd layer. By the 3rd layer, turns out women aren't as strong as they make out, nor as they seem initially underneath. Weird eh?

  30. It depends on the man and the woman you are talking about. because I know women who are very strong and men who are weak I also know weak women and strong men. so you must consider the individual

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