
Are women that are mad about McCain picking Palin really just?

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upset that a pro-life female candidate may be the first in the White house rather than a pro-choice?




  1. I want answer your Question.  Because I don't understand it.

  2. Look if Palin becomes president, she decides what women can do for there bodies. Its a sad part of american history

  3. ummm, no thats not why im mad..! im mad bc hes playing us females like were fools..  

  4. No I know women and they like her

  5. We do not have one-track minds. And that is the reason that so many men fear us,


  6. I am not one of these women.  But I do believe the 'feminists' would prefer to see Hillary making this historical milestone.  There is something more though.  The thought that a woman voter would be swayed because he chose a woman to get the votes of women.  It portrays women as ignorant enough for that to make a difference.  Unfortunately (sorry girls) it is more true than not.  

    I love the responses of how a pro-life President will overturn a Supreme Court decision in a heartbeat, you have to know that it can't happen.

  7. @Simply: That's absolutely not true. I thought you guys were supposed to be accusing US of 'fear-mongering'...You know that a president, or any one person (especially a VICE president) can't change abortion laws, or ANY laws for that matter...There has to be a vote

    Don't worry, you'll still be able to kill your babies

    Basicly, the candidate's stance on abortion won't CHANGE abortion laws, but it does let us know what our candidates believe in and what's important to them...Those are things we need to know.

    @Eve: Her ex brother-in-law (a cop) didn't "go against her" he tasered her 11 year-old nephew (his own son), beat her sister (his wife), and threatened to kill her father...He was also caught drinking alcohol in his cruiser, which is not allowed and calls for him to be fired...The person responsible for firing him refused to do it, so she fired that person...That person wasn't happy about that, so he called for an investigation...So, she is being investigated by the ethics committee (that SHE formed, btw) and she will be found not guilty of any wrongdoing

    If you want to be so pissed off, at least figure out what you're really pissed off about.

    @Erin: Exactly who was it that told you that you HAD to vote for McCain now that he has a woman VP, and got you all upset?

    @WDA: Palin has a "hatred for g**s"?...Hmm...Then why did she sign into law benefits for homosexual couples?

    You know, I can see that you guys are obviously very angry, but it's equally obvious that you really don't know much about this woman...It's understandable since she was just recently thrown into the spotlight, but you've still got time to learn about her...I mean, I know that you won't support her, but it might be good for you to at least know what you're angry about.

  8. No, women who are upset about McCain's decision are worried about women having equal opportunity vs, having to rely on mere looks instead of work ethic and intelligence to make it in this world.

    McCain could have picked a much better person. If he was smart, he would have chosen Condi Rice as VP, to appeal to women, and at least some of the Black and other Minority voters. Also, Condi has experience, and is not some bimbo who may have a nervous break down from assuming McCain's position if **** happens to hit the fan.

    BTW: I would vote Hillary any day over some Bimbo who abuses her power.

  9.   No just a blunder by McCain.  If you want women votes pick a more qualified women.  I love the pick it shows he only cares about publicity.

  10. Many were hoping the first female in national executive office would be a frustrated feminista like Hillary rather than a decent human being with integrity and values.

  11. No.  Palin is not "pro-life."She is a religious fanatic who wants to force her ideology--hatred for g**s, creationism,etc.--on everyone.  

    She's a good example of everything that is disgusting about the fake "Christians" on the far right.  How could any woman, given the ready access to birth control today, deliberately  become pregnant with a child she knows will be severely disabled?

    That's not "pro-life"--thats simply egotism and religious extremism raised to the level of criminal irresponsibility.

  12. No their more upset that this was a calculated political ploy towards identity politics then a choice of a candidate who is knowledgeable and prepared to be president. Palin is a nice lady but thats about it. She is by no means ready.

  13. no im upset at such a blatant choice as to appease my vote.

    it insults me when im expected to vote for somebody just because they have a women running with them..........i guess black people would be insulted too at people automatically assuming they are voting for obama just because he is black.........

  14. Yes. Hillary earned the right; but the left denied her and for what... Biden.

    Let me clarify, left leaning women are upset that a republican woman may be the one to make history when the democrats had a very qualified candidate in Hillary who was never even considered for the VP spot. She earned 18 million votes and wasn't even considered. Unconscionable.

  15. They are mad that made that he didn't chose a nasty looking feminist, that hates all males.  

  16. I doubt that it matters to any sane, hard-working woman, because those are the ones voting for Obama.

  17. I thought McCain was going to fumble the ball on his VP pick, but I think he hit it out of the park.

  18. You make it sound as if that opposition is unjustified. Palin is also a creationist which means she is in denial of evolution. Her policies and attitudes are a throwback to the stone age. That's why women are disappointed.

  19. I don't want a pro-lifer of any gender in the WH.  That, and her scary evangelical beliefs are a huge turn off (Not that I ever planned on voting for McCain).

  20. No they are mad at the fact that the Messiah has been upstaged.Many of the Palin complainers are Typical Democrats and are secretly embarrassed that the chosen one picked 30+ year Washington politician to help perpetuate his change agenda.I think it is refreshing to have a woman in a position of authority.She is more experienced than the messiah and it frustrates the Liberals.

  21. you hit that nail right on the head.  but the conservative women are overjoyed

  22. Yes!  They are fuming about it.  That a conservative, strong woman, could possibly become President before a radical liberal.  Unlike the Dem´s, we actually walk the talk.  

  23. Yes, she's a gun-totin, pro-life, conservative, and therefore not acceptable to liberal america, regardless of her gender, or color.  And they are going to throw everything at her, I hope she's ready for it.

  24. It is as it should be.  If Hillarity had made it first, it would have been the biggest joke on women in history!

    Hillary has very little (besides menopause) in common with any other woman in America.  She's never had to stay home with a sick child, never had to buy her own groceries (with her own money even), and I doubt she would recognize a mop.

    Aside from that, she has never served in any public position outside a do-nothing Congress (First Lady is a social position), never managed even a tiny business and never served in any executive position!

    It is right and fair that a real American woman (not some spoiled royalty) become the first to achieve such a high ELECTED office.

    I am proud of McCain's choice and will definitely vote - For Sarah!

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