
Are women traveling alone in danger? I will be leaving Sunday?

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I mean, it's not far, just three hours. By a lake for a business meeting. But it's my first time away alone. I'll be gone a week.

Are there any great tips you can share with me to keep me safe?




  1. Carry a tazer in your purse, or a little knife. Pepper spray is also good. (It's not being paranoid, it's being safe.) Walk like you know where you're going at all times. Always act confident, even when you're scared shitless. Take self defense classes.

    She told you to keep a cell phone on you at all times...

    You're going to call 911 while being raped or robbed? I don't think so.

  2. Goddess, My dear it is not fair but honestly, yes it is dangerous.Make sure your cell has a full charge, be alert and pray to Jesus for safety. Hon I am a disabled shut-in so I will pray also for you to be under his umbrella of protection ! So please try to enjoy yourself. May God the Father bless you and protect you, in Jesus name. Amen !!!

  3. You should be fine. I would worry about doing a long distance, but 3 hours will go by quick. Just stay aware when you make any stops and make sure your phone is charged up

  4. oh yeah thats not too far , if you stay in a hotel choose one with interior corridors ,carry mace, as soon as you get in your car lock your doors,try to travel, get gas, use restroom during daylight if you have to stop at gas stations for gas etc

  5. -take pepper spray

    -take a cel phone - even if there is no service you can still call 911  

    -take a pistol.(better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it) even if you borrow one you can carry it with a permit. it only takes 20 minutes to get a pistol license at the sheriff office. you do not need to own a gun to apply for a permit.

    -wear a baseball cap with your hair tucked up. it is harder to determine if you are a girl or a guy when driving

  6. just be confident, really confident, people will be scared of you :) best tip ever, nothing can compare with a woman that is really confident, also if you're talking about the road, don't stop for anyone really not even a dead person or an animal

  7. First time always is scary, but will develop your own measures of security, like to be aware someone at home will know where you are going to be, some one to call in your destiny in case of emergency, not being alone with people you don’t know before, and so on, if is for work, for sure your boss will be on charge for your security.

  8. If you're driving I think you're okay. Driving to a hotel... You're def. okay.

    I don't like going to the airport by myself... it freaks me out...but i think you'll be fine as long as you keep the doors and your car locked! (if your taking one)

  9. After watching all those movies I'd never set foot in texas or the countryside! But in reality, just keep your doors locked in the car and if you are really concerned have some pepperspray or something.

  10. Fill up in your own town before you leave, make sure your car is in top shape and checked by the mechanic.  

    Have a cell phone or On Star in your car so you can call for help in case of a flat tire or mechanical troubles.

    Try to drive straight to your destination in a time of day that you are least tired like early am or early afternoon.  Keep the radio or CD playing so you stay alert.

    Once your at the motel/hotel you should be fine, park your car close to your room so your not walking long distances with your luggage. Hope you have friends or co-workers you can eat with otherwise room service is nice and relaxing too.

  11. Anybody can be in danger at any time.  It all depends on where you are, your level of street smarts, and a large dose of luck.

    I assume you are driving.  Make sure that your vehicle is in good working order and your gas tank is full.  If you have to stop for gas or a potty break, pick a popular and well-lighted gas station.  I'd stay away from the rest areas along the highway - bad people have been known to lurk there.

    Be sure that you have some tunes on your stereo that you like, or maybe talk radio, to help you if you tend to doze off.  Charge your cell phone before leaving, and keep it handy.

    And make sure that someone knows when you expect to arrive.  Check in with them when you do, so if you are missing someone will know right away.

    I've done many car trips alone (I'm female, age 56) and never had a problem.  Hope your trip goes well!

  12. There is probably nothing for you to actually worry about, but if you are anxious, it is a good thing you ask this.

    Do not tell everybody that you are alone. You never know who might be listening.

    Stay alert. Listen to your instincts. If a situation makes you feel on edge, try to stay in a crowded area.

    If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, yell ''FIRE", because it will get people's attention and whoever is accosting you will more than likely run away rather than be found out.

    Do not act like a victim. Keep your head up and eye up your surroundings.

    Most of all, it is just preparing yourself mentally for how to react to a dangerous situation, so your body will be ready.

    These are things that you should do, not only for when you are on an excursion, but, on an average day when you are going about your normal business.

  13. Don't be afraid, just be aware of your surroundings, and don't put yourself in compramising/foolish positions. You'll be fine.

    If you're nervous, buy some pepper spray (not in your carry on, if flying!) to carry in your pocket, and get a cell phone, incase of emergencies.

    You'll be fine!

  14. I travel alone often.  You're only in danger if you're in a dangerous place.  It sounds childish but use the bathroom just before you leave your familiar area.  This will limit your bathroom stops in places you're not comfortable with.  Fill up the tank ahead of time. Its the same thing with eating.  Don't get on the road hungry.  You will otherwise end up at some weird back water burger joint.  Three hours isn't bad at all.  Stay on the main roads and if you have to stop, use your best judgement on what looks awfully shady.  And only stop at gas stations you've heard of like BP, Texaco, and Shell.  Happy trails!!

  15. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. My sister and I just took a 4 hr road trip to visit an old friend. Stopping for restrooms, we were pan handled, rather boldly on the way there and witnessed a drug deal in the parking lot on the way home. Eye-opening trip!!!

  16. I agree w/ the 1st poster. Use common sense. The only time to really use precaution when traveling alone & you are female is when you are going overseas, by all means--travel w/ a friend, & if you can travel w/ a friend who is from the country that you are travelling to, it makes the trip all the more better, not to mention safer!

  17. Let people know where you are going, have a code word for a phone call,some phones have panick message buttons on them now,or buy a personal attack alarm.

  18. Don't drink, or do any mind altering drugs. Stay with friends if you can and avoid going out alone. There is risks for anyone these days male or females when traveling alone. Do not open your hotel door to ANYONE you either don't know or casually know. Be careful and use common sense and you should be OK.

  19. It depends on where you are going.  If it is a generally safe area, you should not be in any more danger than anyone else. A good tip for any time, any where is to keep your cell phone on you at all times.  Carry some pepper spray if that will make you feel better.

  20. No, women traveling alone aren't in any more danger than men. Just be aware of your surroundings, don't pick up strange people, keep your cell phone near, and have fun.

  21. Don't carry alot of cash. keep your cell phone fully charged.

    Check all fluids in your auto to maike sure they are up to par.

    Check tire pressure to make sure the proper amount is in there.

    Make sure your spare tire is ready to use in case of emergency blow out or flat tire.

    Take some cold water to drink on the trip.

    Eat a good healthy breakfast before leaving and good a good nights sleep prior to leaving as well.

    Don't stop and pick up strangers looking for a ride even if a woman is with them. They use all the tricks in the book.

    Don't talk about your business to much when you arrive. Silence is golden.

    Stick to business have a safe trip and see you back home in one piece.



  22. Hopefully you know how to do some basic car maintenance, like changing a tire or jumpstarting the engine. That's about the only thing you really need to worry about. Your co-workers will be in the same place, after all.

  23. Travelling alone is not much different from staying home alone - both require basic common sense rules such as don't go in the middle of nowhere at night (or even day if it's a really dodgy place) alone, don't give your details to dodgy looking people, keep your phone and money on you in case of an emergency, etc. Use the same precautions you would in your own town, but maybe a little more if it's a totally unfamiliar place (which I doubt if it's only 3 hours away)

  24. Try to dress conservative so you won't call the attention wearing mini skirts or showing cleavage, also do not wear lip-stick while getting gas.

    And last but not least. You must pray and let God take care of you. If you think something will happen to you, then something will happen to you.  Enjoy your trip.

  25. Just to let you know mace is illegal in several states - locales.   You can not carry it on an airliner.

  26. Don't worry about it, girl! You'll be fine. I have a friend who lives on a farm and comes from a tough family. Her sister is in college and is in a program where she's is now in Scottland. She's going to backpack all across the country by herself! Just leave it alone. Have fun :)

  27. Always have a cell phone in your hand

    its not scary

    you just have to have self confident

    i hope you have a good time

    and like you siad its only 3 hours away.

  28. Well travelling alone is always dangerous especially if you are a woman. As you can see nowadays a lot of robbery and rape around. It is best not to go alone if that is possible. But if there are no alternatives then all precautions must betaken into account. Before you go please inform someone close to you that you are going there. Please take along your handphone just in case. Go in the day time. Be on the alert to see if any one that look suspicious are tailing you. If you see that you are being followed then go to a crowded place and ask for help.At all times you must be on the alert. Guess thats about all and hope you will get there and back save.

  29. make your plans accordingly, tell friends and family where you are going. Only tell those you can fully trust. If you are going to a secluded area, make sure you notify the local authorities of your plans.

    I never heard of such a thing, why can't you have business in a public place. how many are going? are you sure it is for business?

    carry protection. and know how to use it.

  30. i'd say in my personal opinon yes but not just for women but also for men, don't trust everybody people come to decieve you when you least expect it and when you feel like someone might stocking you pray!!!and the lord for sure won't let nothing bad happen to you...and always have your cell phone with you just in case

  31. well it depends where you are. if in an area known for violence then i wouldnt go alone. have someone at the place where you are going have a time to expect you, and call if youll be late, that way people will know where you are. and have someone from the place you are leaving have a time to expect a call from you, letting them know youve arrived safely. so if they dont get a call they can get help.

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