
Are women under the impression that it's more respectful to stare at their eyes or hair than their b*****s?

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It's all body parts ladies, and it all has a sexual component. Getting annoyed because guys love your b***s but then turning around and requesting that they compliment other parts of your body is hypocritical and illogical.




  1. It's more fun to find their biggest flaw and stare at that.

    They'll think there's something wrong with the b*****s

    because you're not looking at them.

    Paranoia Runs Deep.....

    But if I don't try to look at them you might think I'm g*y.

    It's a lose--lose situation.

    Let's settle it......Show me your Txxx and we'll get on with it.

  2. starring is creepy in general....what you should be doing it making casual eye contact if you happen to glance at other body happens but don't make it a habit its really creepy and so degrading

  3. I find it disrespectful for a man to stare at certain of my body parts because those ones are private. My hair and face, neck, eyes and arms and feet - those aren't so private. Everyone can see them, and there is no need to hide them. Admire away, I guess. But my b*****s are private. My chest and backside and legs are private. I go out of my way not to flaunt them - I don't wear clothes that are tight or low-cut or otherwise revealing of these parts. So I find it disrespectful when a man goes out of his way to stare at them - which he must, given the looseness of my clothes.

    My body isn't yours to enjoy or to derive any kind of pleasure from, and if you can see by my clothes and attitude that I don't want you staring, then don't. The only man I want staring at my chest is my husband, which is why he's the only man I display it for. If I'm talking to a man who can't keep his eyes off my body I will walk away with no explanation. I will not put up with that kind of rudeness. If you want some visual stimulation go find yourself a girly mag and leave me alone.

  4. Oh, give me a break. When you speak to someone, you look in their eyes. That is the respectful thing to do.

    So, what body part of your mother's are you staring at when you talk to HER?

    Or your guy friends?

    EDIT-Man, no, but when I'm talking to him, he better look me in the eye, dammit! Lol.

    EDIT-Do you have some form of mental issue that renders you incapable of understanding socially acceptable practices? Have YOU ever had someone talk to you, and not look you in the eye? They stared off in the distance, looked at their shoes, their fingernails, whatever. NOT looking into a person face and making eye contact while you're having a conversation is extremely disrespectful, I don't care WHO you are, male or female! "Women" did not make this rule up, ALL people like to have the person they are speaking with look them in the eye! It conveys understanding, respect, connection. If you don't understand this VERY BASIC tenet of social interaction, then something is wrong with you, and you should probably get checked out by a psychiatrist.

  5. Eye contact is a social signal that you are attending to the *conversation*. And because unbroken eye-contact is creepy and the sign of a serial killer... possibly... most eye focus points are within the triangle of eyes, nose and mouth and just around, which copuld include hair. So even if they are misinterpretating, it's still politer. So isn't this a good solution for everyone? You continue (apparently) to watch sexually provokative parts of women, women feel like you're listening.

    Where do you look when talking to men?

  6. "Who is the bigger idiot?  The idiot himself or the one who argues with the idiot?"-My dad (he probably got it from someone else).

  7. I really don't mind the flirtatious exchanges of the sexes but there is a line and it can be discomfitting when a man just blatantly oggles you, uninvited and at a business meeting !and I think in your heart of hearts you know that too. Generally though, If I am attracted to a man, I want him to enjoy my sight, that doesn't make me an archaic example of a woman, a stepford wife. Men enjoy being physically enjoyed too as they get soo little of it, even being very very good looking. They do not see admiration and desire as objectification like women do! There is a time and a place

  8. If you carry that mentality, you will have a hard time finding a respectful women that enjoys your company or wants to be in the same room as you. If you cannot control your sexual feelings, then its your problem, don't impose that on a women that just wants to go about her day without being viewed as a s*x object... yes there are a few of those women around, myself included!

    Very simple really, lack of respect is demonstrated when men or women stare... this seems fairly simple and straight forward to me.

    jeez... kids these days!

    edit... I will feel the same when I am 40, disrespect is disrespect, if anything I have gained the self respect to tell a pervert to look at me and not my chest.

    Am I a women... yes, a s*x object... NO

    "Sexual objectification is objectification of a person. It occurs when a person is seen as a sexual object when their sexual attributes and physical attractiveness are separated from the rest of their personality and existence as an individual, and reduced to instruments of pleasure for another person."

    please note REDUCED, as in made to feel like less of a person... I see you are having a hard time understanding (or are just trolling, or don't want to admit your hypothesis is silly, flawed and immature) that normally women ARE NOT flattered by a man staring at their breast, but this is the case hun... so I feel you should respect the feelings that the human you are staring at has... common, day-to-day stuff here, not hard to understand.

  9. You lack empathy or are purposely dense if you don't think understand why women feel uncomfortable, bothered or offended, when, in a nonsexual setting, someone (male or female) gives them sexual attention.

    To put it in terms you understand, "the male gaze" is equivalent to a 6'5 g*y bear named Igor staring at your crotch and *** and not breaking eyecontact when you catch him in the act.   You would be totally okay and realize how irrational it would be for you to object to that, right? Because it is "biological"?  Rape is biological too right, since men "spread their seed" or something?

    -I read your edited question and wow...

    You obviously are deadset in your stance so there is no way to reason with you because you haven't used reason to attain your position in the first place.

  10. I am not sure who you have been talking to but I don't want men to stare at my little picky finger... I also hate compliments I am weird that way.  I hated people complimenting me constantly on my red hair when I was younger so I chopped it off and died it black... Why?  Because I was born with it.. No say no chose... just born that way.  I don't like compliments if I haven't earned them but merely came out that way.  Some people are like that.  I have good self esteem and I don't need strangers to make me feel better about myself.  It always has the opposite effect with me.

    So you want to know though why some women like you to stare at their hair and not their breast... maybe this will help.  We don't have to cover our hair in public but we can't walk out of the house topless... so there... blame society.

    Edit... As for your comment on eye make up and our dress being meant to be s**y... Well not all of us do that... and not all men care if a women is presented s**y or dressed down they still stare.

  11. Yes, because it is.  If you can't see why, you're pretty socially inept.

    I find this really surprising.  It seems the majority of the men in this section seem to think it's appropriate to speak to a woman while staring at her chest even in a professional setting.  Wow.  Once again, I have overestimated so many of the men on this forum.


    "Priscilla, what you need to do is explain why. I just told you that hair, eyes, b***s, butt, elbows are all body parts and it's silly of you to take offence when men admire one but not take offence when we admire the other. I'm not socially inept; you are socially brainwashed to think that there's a difference between all those things. Looking at your eyes can be every bit as much about s*x as looking at your b*****s."

    Answer:  Because, in this culture, b*****s are a more sexual part of the body than, say, an elbow.  And you know that.  When you are openly staring at a woman's b*****s, in western society, it sends a certain message.   It introduces a sexual component in a situation where it is inappropriate.  Whatever you think of that message, that's a fact.  It IS considered disrespectful, and to do it to someone even though you know it will make them feel disrespected and uncomfortable is pretty ridiculous.  It's about having manners and respect for how it will make the other person feel, not just doing it because you want to irregardless of their feelings.

    Edit:  While staring at someone's hair or feet might not carry a sexual charge, it is still pretty weird and will still make you look socially inept.  You look people in the eyes when you talk to them.  I'm pretty sure this is universal in most cultures.  It send the message that you are paying attention to what they are saying.

    It seems to me you're just not very astute when it comes to body language.

  12. First of all, it is impolite to stare - period!  And you would react differently when someone looks, or even stares, at your mother's, wife's, girlfriend's, or daughter's b*****s as opposed to her hands.  SO stop dreaming.

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