
Are women who invest money into their appearance "shallow"?

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Is it shallow to buy expensive make up and products that make us feel better about our appearance and don't make our skin break out because they are cheap products (acne treatments, moisturizers, mascara, eyeshadow, etc.)?

Is it shallow to want to buy anything designer because it looks fabulous on us?

Is it shallow to spend more than $30.00 on a purse or a pair of shoes?

If none of these things seem shallow to you, what DOES make a woman seem shallow?




  1. No.

  2. Well if the expensive items purchased were the direct cause of the demise or disenfranchisement of other beings then yes, ( I.E. shoes or clothing made in a sweat shop, cologne or make up that was tested on animals,  blood diamonds).  Other then that no.  If no harm comes to anyone else and it makes you feel good about yourself by all means invest in your appearance.

    Edit- This goes for men as well.

  3. It's not shallow at all. It's natural to care about your appearance. What makes a woman shallow is if all she cares about is her appearance, and she doesn't care about other people.  

  4. When she has no other diversion in life, BUT the things you mentioned. That seems shallow to me.

  5. I like to purchase the odd designer piece, or nice pair of shoes as much as the next person, but it is in terms of quality rather than status that I discriminate.  Sometimes with products, you do get what you pay for.  As well, it is an unfortunate world we live in where looks matter, and working as a professional executive, I have to look well groomed at all times.  So my response is that you do need to invest in your appearance up to a point, but beyond a certain point, it becomes superfluous.

  6. It's shallow to spend more money on improving your appearance than on improving the rest of your life.

  7. I find it shallow to spend alot of money on things you DON'T need... Do you really need a $4,000 pair of heels?

    If it's an expensive health item, to me it's different.

  8. No, it doesn't make you shallow. Nobody has the right to tell you what you can spend your money on.

    People complain if you don't put much effort into your appearance and call you lazy.  If you do, they call you shallow and stuck-up.

    If you're worried about being seen as "shallow," just don't let people know that you buy expensive products?  

    I don't advertise to people what products I use, unless they ask.  

  9. I use expensive makeup because I do see a difference between it and the cheap stuff.  Maybe I just have more sensitive skin.  I don't buy really expensive shoes or purses or clothes on a regular basis, but I don't see anything wrong with that as long as you can afford it and you aren't just putting on airs.

    Shallow is picking your friends/significant others based on the money they make, the clothes they wear or the car they drive.  I think shallow would be if you do these things (expensive makeup and clothes, fancy car etc)  and then judge people who DON'T as inferior.  

  10. No, I see nothing wrong with making yourself feel good.  It's your money.  You can buy whatever kind of product you want!

    What do I consider shallow??  A person who considers themselves better than everybody else because of it.  

  11. Women who invest money into their appearance are not necessarily shallow. They simply understand that this is what is expected of them from the world around them. It is a shame that we have double standards, men don't need to invest in their looks as much, the metro-sexual look has passed. Women understand this and feel that if they want to be successful they need to follow the standard society sets.

    I find women who don't consider where the products they buy come from, or what these products are doing to themselves to be shallow. If a women feels a need to spend $4000 on a pair of shoes that are guaranteed to be cruelty free, and that will help her feel better, than I say go for it.  When I say "understand where the products come from," I mean understand the whole process, how does that leather get from the back of a cow to your purse? Find out, if you can't support then don't buy it.  

    Some make up is damaging, the women who don't feel a need to understand this are shallow to me. Most lip balm is damaging. Petroleum jelly is addictive and damaging, it will make your lips feel good but without it they will become cracked and look much older, at a much younger age. Wake up people "petroleum" is the same stuff we run our cars on. Use natural make up products.

    Learn about those things you consume, prove to those who challenge you that you are not shallow.  

  12. Yes, I do because all make-up products work the same. Why spend one hundred dollars on foundation that you can buy at ten dollars? Those extra ninety dollars can go to people who need it.

    EDIT: Actually, I buy L'Oreal foundation. It's cheap and works just as well. And with expensive make-up, I'd have to buy it every month to keep it stocked because they give you such a small amount, and I only use a small amount when I put on foundation. With L'Oreal, every three months. So, who's spending the most money now?

  13. No, it is human to want to look good..even biological.  Animals preen and prune, so do we.  I would find it disturbing if someone cared nothing about their appearance...this leads to health at some point.  But I do think it can become shallow.  I don't think there is a set point, but a set attitude.  As long as the person realizes that outside appearances are only part of a person, I think they are okay.

    As for cheep make up.  It has changed a lot.  Unless you are buying Wet and Wild you are probably getting a decent product. There is no need to spend $50.00 on lipstick unless you are grossly wealthy.

  14. No thats not shallow. Some of it can be excessive but its a matter of what you like. I love shoes and I will spend more on a pair of shoes that I will continue to wear because they look good and FEEL good then spend money on a bunch of cheap pairs that will sit in my closet because they're either ugly or they hurt my feet. purses eh, cheapies can and do look just as good as anything else.

    I think when this is all that really matters to you is when you become shallow. If its status rather than taste. Either way, if its all you care about then yes, also if your on and on about someone else who enjoys certain things. Obviously the person is being occupied with the same things.

    It's important to have healthy skin, not shallow at all.

    The "you's" in this were addressing people not  specifically you btw.

  15. I think whatever you want to spend money on is fine.  If women enjoy spending money on beauty products then they should.  My mother went on putting on makeup every day almost up until the day of her death, she did it because she enjoyed it.  And she enjoyed shopping for clothes and jewellery.

    I'm not so much into those sort of things myself, but I think life is short, and you should enjoy yourself while you're here.  if cosmetics and clothes bring you pleasure, then you should buy them.

  16. No, I go to a Dominican salon every weekend to get my hair done & I do my own manicures & go do a pedicure every so often. I like to look good because I respect myself & my hygiene, as far as makeup goes, I do wear it but it's naturally placed, I don't leave the house looking like Joker or Bozo the Clown. To each his own. Shallowness I think has more to do w/ personality than appearance in my humble opinion.

  17. No, I don't think it's shallow. It just makes some women happy like some guys enjoy buying fishing tackle or whatever. Shallowness is determined by a person's character or lack, thereof. ♥ ∞

  18. If everything else (bills & such) are getting paid.. I don't see the problem with it.

  19. It would obviously be stupid to wear makeup that broke you out because it was cheap. Shallowness is taking such things to extremes.

  20. Depending on how much you spend, how much it consumes you and to what extent it can be a bit materialistic but I do not think there is anything wrong with wanting to look and dress nicely and as long as the bills are being paid and you don't waste your money on material stuff like a crack addict spends his money on drugs then it's fine by me.

    Everyone likes to look nice and have others appreciate there beauty. The point is to keep your spending in moderation and not let it consume you.

    Personally I'm not an extravagant person.

    The only "addiction" I have that I do spend money on is dresses. I love dresses.  I like summer dresses, formal dresses, professional dresses, club dresses, church dresses, etc. It's all about the dresses with me and if I find one that I fall in love with and looks good on me then as long as I still have money to pay my rent and bills, I'm willing to lay down a few bucks.

  21. No, not necessarily. Cheap products are not a wise use of your money, but there is validity in investing in your appearance. We live in a visual society. If you were interviewing for a job, or an apartment; you would want to present well. If I was an employer or a landlord, I would think twice about someone with a scruffy appearance. We don't have to look like high fashion models, but we should look presentable.

  22. Depends, they aren't always but if they care too much then yeah, they're being stupid. Just liking designer clothes isn't bad. What's bad is when you only wear designer clothing because you treat it as status. Then you're shallow.

  23. Nope Kit, they sure are not.  It it makes you feel good about yourself, it's worth every penny.

    To me a person would be shallow if they were turned inward on themselves and had no empathy or caring for the wellbeing of others.

  24. ....yes it is shallow investment, it does not do much to improve their real charm.

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