
Are women with a lot of children (4, 5, or 6) kids frowned on in American Society?

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I've read a few articles that these women are frowned on often.

Is it because they are considered easy?

Is it a jealousy thing from other women wanting big families?

Is it the belief in the lies of Eugenicists of overpopulation?

Is it snobbery such as "how could she ever pay for their college"?

I just can't figure it out, or perhaps the article is just wrong.

Also, how do you view women (married) with multiple children?




  1. Women with a lot of children - what about their husbands.     What we are finding is that women who have large families are not as educated as women who have smaller families.

  2. Nope, in fact a lot Catholics have a lot of children in their family. I for one could care less how many children a mother has as long as they are from the same father.

    If they are all from the same father, whom she is married to, then no, she's not easy.

    There is hardly any jealousy amongst women in this particular area.

    Overpopulation hasn't really become a relevant issue in America yet.

    Yes, questions might arise as to how the parents will pay for all of their colleges, but it's all just honest conversation with no hostilities involved.

  3. I will tell you if and when hubs and I have number four. Right now I am working on number three, and so far nobody has really frowned upon me for it (btw I live in Canada but I don't think it makes a difference, people here can be rude too). I've had a few other moms laugh and say I'm crazy for having three kids so young but that's about it.

    Easy? I doubt it, not unless she's having all these kids with as many different fathers. In which case, yeah, she's easy and that is something to frown upon. It's unhealthy for the kids as well as herself, and she should be making better choices than that.

    Jealousy? I don't know. Maybe in a few cases.

    Yes, in alot of cases. I can't tell you how many times I hear people say how irresponsible it is for a couple to have more than one or two, maybe 3 at most, because the world is overpopulated and the global economy can't sustain more people, blah blah blah. I think that argument is a load of pure c**p, myself.

    Snobbery, I think so in some cases. There's this weird attitude towards people who have large families, as if they are some kind of animal or it is a waste of the woman's time to raise all those kids. It's hard to pin down the exact feeling behind it, but it's ugly.

    I view married women with multiple children in the same light I view women with just one or two. They are moms. If a couple decides to have a bunch of kids, more power to 'em. It's their choice and I think it's great. They have nothing but support from me, for the most part!

  4. I don't consider women with many children to be frowned upon.

    If they have never been married, and have many children, then yes, they are generally frowned upon because of views of the public. (this isn't my point of view, just society, of course.)

    Some religions like to have bigger families, such as the mormon and catholic communities.

    I feel the article is mostly wrong, not that I've read it, but women don't generally get too judged by the size of their family. I hope I helped.

  5. Generally they aren't frowned upon unless they can't afford the children they have and resort to public funds.  Unfortunately, this is very often the case with women with multiple children.  Also unfortunately, the welfare system as it stands basically rewards women for having children, and many people are unhappy about this.

    However, if a woman has multiple children and can afford to support them, she is usually admired.

    I personally believe that the population is such that women should not have more than two children, and men should not father more than two children.  It has nothing to do with eugenics, since I believe that this stricture should apply to everyone.

  6. Women have the right to have as many kids as they want.  In todays world I can't imagine why a woman would want to have as many children.  It isn't because they are easy because some of these women are married.  Jealously I doubt as well.  Believe in overpopulation maybe because it is a fact, more babies = higher population.  Affordable probably,  if  a woman has a lot of kids now, especially if the ones that have them are kids themselves, the kids are the one to suffer.  Kids are expensive and in todays society if a child doesn't have what they need in school and wear what most are and everything that goes with it then they are shunned by other children and one thing leads to another.  Attention for that many children is usually impossible in todays world because usually both parents have to work and if it is a single then it is worse than ever.  With no attention that leads to education problems and education problems leads to those children having as many baby as their mother and that leads to welfare and proverty and the cycle continues.  

  7. Due to your 3rd point i think ther should be a maximum amount you are allowed?

  8. Not by me. Some people have a hard time understanding why a woman would want so many children especially if she doesn't have the means to clothe and feed them and especially if the have different fathers.

  9. i believe that women want that many kids is because they love children. it can't be some sort of jealousy or competition, children are all about loving and caring.  

  10. I think it is usually the criticism that she is probably not (I am assuming she is single here as you've singled out the woman) providing for all those kids without either some sort of government assistance or at the financial detriment of the children. It also looks gluttonous and irresponsible- for her to have so many children and not being rich, or at least well capable to take provide for all them to a satisfactory degree.  

  11. Um, do you mean 'single' women with 'multiple' children from 'multiple' father's??

    It's the media - which is run primarily by men!

    Personally, I don't frown upon women with 8 children from 8 different father's nearly as much I frown upon men who go around wrecklessly depositing sperm and then abandoning his children. At least the mother is there, raising the children!

  12. I view women with more than 3 kids as ....  women with more than 3 kids.

    I had three kids, I think that's a pretty good number, especially if you have spaced them well.  It's about family "planning".  

    My kids are all 3.5 to 4 yrs apart.  I started my family YOUNG (19) and although I was a grandmother at 43, (My son had a daughter when he was 24) it sure is nice to creep up around 50 and have NO kids in school anymore.  By the time I was 46 or so, my youngest was 20!

    It's great having all that teen drama and BS behind you at this age.

    I have a few 50 yr old friends with 6 and 7 year old kids, still.  (ICK)

    I think women should give it a lot of thought once they go beyond having 2 or 3 kids... especially if they did not get an early start on a family and are going to end up being 50-55 years old with teenagers. And if their husbands are a little older, imagine how old *they* will be when their kids are still teens, leaning to drive, dating, etc.

    But hey, I don't "judge" women for their own choices.  But I sure am glad I made the ones I made...  :-)

  13. Well, I'm from a family of 7 children ranging from 17years old to 10 months...I live in Australia, I know you specifically asked for America but what can I do...we are not frowned at all here, in fact my mum gets lots of praises of how well she is copping. Of course there is the occasional snob who has ago at her, I guess it depends on the individual that is harrasing the family, each of their personal situations would be different, some would have the mentality that we are "over populating" the country, and other single people would be doing it out of pure jealousy. But then again, if the big family really isn't doing well, I guess the general community has a right to critisise.

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