
Are wow private servers safe to use?

by  |  earlier

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i want to use a wow private server but i need to know if it will hurt my retail wow account.




  1. Technology-

  2. They are completely safe as long as you don't say you are using one on retail wow. I've noticed that a guy named "WoodMutt" is selling everyone the wrong impression. Technically, they are illegal and I wouldn't say they can't ban you're retail wow account but really, blizz has to many things to do and won't track down 1 person to ban. Almost half of the people on retail wow have used 1+ private servers. Im not saying all websites you get them are safe and can give you viruses. Make sure you read the fine print on a website before you down-load a private server.

    Hope this helped you out!

  3. It shouldn't hurt it, but (stupid question here) if you have retail why use the pirate server?  

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