
Are yellow belly turtles good pets?

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I've been thinking about getting two yellow belly turtles and was hoping for some info and advice on them. All help greatly appreciated!




  1. Not for pets, for stew.

  2. they make great pets if you have the money and time to dedicate to them.

    they can get to be 8-12 inches long and if you get two they will need at least a 240 gallon tank.

    they require UVB bulbs, basking bulbs and a land area to get out onto. they love to swim, so they need lots of water also.

    they can live to be about 40 years old and releasing them into the wild is never an option as it is illegal.

    other then that, they make great pets!

  3. If you are talking about thse Japanese yellow belly turtles, which are small, yes! they are good pets and nice to look at. Their maintainance is, on the other hand, expensive, if you want to take care of them well. They like swimming and being on the ground too so you'll need a big tank and a little deep... like 1 foot deep and half of it with a dry platform for them to rest. You will need a purifyer and oxigen bomb to.... because changing the water and cleaning the tank is really tiring. But if you use a purifyer it will last clean longer.

    Careful... turtles, if they are well taken care of, last long... years and years, and they grow big... i had 2 in. turtles which grew up to 1 foot long... so think about it... they can last longer than dogs... :)

  4. Really can't  tell you.

  5. My friend had one when I was growing up in my teens. I always went over to her house to play with Mango (the turtle). They were great pets if I remember correctly. Here is a web-site of all the info. you need to know to take care  of one : Hope you have a wonderful time with your new pet!

  6. I have one.. and they stink.. and they eat a whole bunch and get as big as you let them. Mine is HUGE. but i love them.. they are fun to play with

  7. thats boring how bout a tiger =)

    just kidding i kno nuthing about yellow belly turtles but turtles in general are manageable so enjoy!! hee hee hee

    name it noodles.


    something kool.

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