
Are yorkshire terriers yappy?(experience needed)?

by  |  earlier

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cause my friend said they are.

if you have this dog, or had, do they bark alot.




  1. yes

  2. Oh gosh, be prepared...they bark nonstop when their young. I have owned 2, but as they get older their hyperness level dwindles and they calm down on the barking.

  3. yes they are the definition of yappy dogs

  4. this may help.....

  5. IDK if mine really was or not. He'd shut up when told. But I could get him so worked up he'd bark non-stop for a while. That was my doing though lol

    They have a yippy bark though.  

  6. i have done alot of research on yorkies. most of the sources i read stated yorkies are yappy, energetic dogs. in my own experience and opinion not all yorkies are yappy. i have a male yorkie and he's a sweet heart. the only time he barks is when something scares him or a strange dog comes around.  when he does bark all i do is say his name and "no" and he stops and walks toward me. imho no 2 dogs are alike...same breed or not. some yorkies may be yappy and some not. i think it has alot to do with how well they are trained too. hope that helps!

  7. they do have a reputation of being yappy for a reason, but that doesnt mean that ALL of them are.  its mostly just when somebody rings the doorbell or walks throught the front yard, things like that.  I was actually able to teach my yorkie not to bark by turning my back to her whenever she did it.  she hated being ignored and eventually learned that she only got attention when she stayed quiet.  it took a few weeks but with persistance (and treats) she figured out what i wanted.

    (my friend has a yorkie who has never had a barking problem, it really does just depend on the dog)

  8. I had one growing up and the only time she barked was when someone rang the door bell or when we were playing.  But, when she did bark, omg, how obnoxious!!  They are adorable, though.

  9. Yes they are yappy! My neighbour has one and it drives me nuts! Though the bark isn't as loud as a big dog like my german shepherd. Training will be a must!  

  10. all terriers are yappy, I suspect all small dogs

  11. Yes all dogs are yappy and barkish.

  12. yer they are yappy they never stop bsarking also mine had alot of vet problems, train them with a water spray every time she barks spray her and say no! this should work but good luck!


  13. If you want a dog that looks like a toupee and barks at just about anything, by all means....

    Then again, you could get one of those shock collars.

  14. YES!!!!

    My Aunt used to breed these dogs and they are extremely yappy. With perseverance they can be taught not to bark, where it's inappropriate, but they are hard work considering their size.

    The best way to train is, as suggested already, to ignore them - when they stop barking, then immediately reward the good behaviour.

    Please do NOT use a shock collar as someone suggested - these collars should be banned. If people can't be bothered to take the time to train their dogs, then they shouldn't have them - the collar is a lazy cop-out.

  15. My parents own a yorkie, and they've had 2 before this one.  All three incessantly barked.

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