
Are you 'ALLOWED to say this on a JOB...WHEN someone asks?

by  |  earlier

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you...."how old are you?"...(personally, i feel that is a rude question)...but I politely say..."I'd rather not tell my age"...and then the Nosy Nellie says.."Why not?"...and i say...because I'd rather keep it private...then slowly walk away. On the job application i just leave it BLANK...and they have NEVER ASKED ME ABOUT IT. Any opinions???




  1. If they don't ask don't tell, and if they do tell them to go find them some business...thats not impolite

  2. You can always say a woman never tells her age.  After a while people will get off the subject.  It doesn't matter anyway.

  3. If they are going to pry like that, then they are annoying and rude.

    Ignore them.

  4. Maybe it's because I'm only 27, but I've never had a problem telling people my age if they ask.  I generally don't ask other people their age, though... mostly because I really don't care all that much.

  5. ALL LEGIT JOBS REQUIRE proof of ID and Citizenship.

    It's gonna be on some form that you are required to provide when ppwk is processed for (said) job.   Don't sweat it.

    As for coworkers; it's really none of their business.

  6. well if you ever want a job then please just go with the flow

  7. Things are so out of wack now days I don't know if you can ask the question or not.  It is a fair question for some jobs.  I personally don't have a problem with anyone asking my age.  Why should anyone have a problem with answering the question?  You are what you are.

  8. You are required to give that information for a job. It is needed for your health insurance, 401k, retirement plan and many other benefits. The company is required to have that information on file. If you leave it blank or lie, it is grounds for dismissal. If it is a coworker, then you are by no means required to give it to them and it is none of their business. Sounds like you are handling them well.

  9. The only time I can think of it being appropriate is if someone wants to make sure you are of legal age(e.g.  maybe they wanted to offer you a drink) In a job interview if the job itself requires a certain age(driving a forklift, i.e)

  10. To another coworker?  You dont have to tell them anything.

    To your boss?  You may not have to tell them how old you are in years, but you do have to provide them with your date of birth and birth certificate, so they already know anyways.

    Why is how old you are rude?  I am proud of how old I am.

  11. A prospective employer can never ask "how old are you?"  If you are not hired, you could claim age discrimination.

    If you are on the job and another employee wants to know your age, you have every right to say that information is private.

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