
Are you AMERICAN enough to question your Government?

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Don't bother answering this question until you watch this new movie, it is free to watch. If you do some research on all the topics mentioned in the movie as I did (since I don't believe anything until I have proved it to myself) you will realize what many Patriotic Americans have already realized from the very start of this country.

Don't get me wrong, you can't find a person that loves this country more than I, but their are people in powerful positions that have very high stakes in whats happening. They don't want you to think too much or question their decisions. In fact they are so good at calculating American responses that they completely control us but not in a direct sense. They convince us with years of repetitive banter(FEAR), that way we will agree to whatever they want.

True Americans must watch this video, go to this address

I know this video will be Hard to watch, especially religious Americans. Watch with an open mind!




  1. if you read these questions and answers, the government is questioned constantly and every decision is scrutinized by a myriad of people.

    so far, i have not heard of any dissenter being jail, shot or hanged...have you?

    i am open minded but not to the point my brain has fallen out.

  2. why do you think that they put everyone on drugs to mellow them out?  Everyone survived just fine 40 - 50 years ago without being kept medicated.  Now, everyone you talk to is on medication to keep them calm.  That c**p dulls the mind, makes you a sheep.  

    When I see what's going on, half the time I wish I was on medication.  If you are an AWARE AMERICAN, you can't help but be enraged by what the gov't is doing to OUR country.

  3. Yes. I do it all the time.

  4. The person that made this is of a great mind.  He understands what is going on.  Greed!  "War doesn't have to be won, just sustained" !!  If we only knew the half of it we would all be marching on D.C.

  5. Yes i do question as our forefathers that fought for our freedoms did and they refused to buckle under to the fears others then tried to impose upon them and I am the same way I refuse to be cowered into submission to be protected from the terrorist fear that is not what our forefathers did nor is it what I shall do this is what made america not some rich cat sitting in an ivory tower buying up politicans at a fantastic rate

  6. I watched it and it was a powerful film. But as a Christian and an American i understand it must be. There will always be wars and rumors of wars. Unfortunately children are caught in the wars but i know that many children helped kill allot of American soldiers in WW11.They were old enough to know what they were doing.

    i do not know the answer to this and i do not think anyone does. But thank you for posting it.

  7. I didn't look at te video due to lack of time, but I'm pleased to see someone make the case that it's not unpatriotic to question the government, that in fact it can be the most patriotic thing anyone does. Had more people questioned George W. Bush, perhaps he would not have gotten as far down the disastrous path he has taken the U.S.

  8. Holy c**p...some idiots will believe anything

  9. I already have don't judge all people the same

  10. I gotta go with buttercup on this don't have to go far to see almost everybody questioning their government these days.  Back in the days when we actually "won" a war...WW2...the country completely united and Hitler was erased.  Whether we agree on how terrorism should be fought, we should at least all agree they need vanquished and UNITE as a country or we are going to FALL like the islamic extremists planned.  If people dont think they planned on bleeding hearts in their propaganda they are sorely mistaken.  I would like to send out a special thanks to our men and women in uniform who are actually trying to win a war without having much support in DC and the liberal media!!

  11. Why not?

    But having communication problems with ghostly and deadly words trying to put ghostly and deadly words into sentences to be living words with difficulty.

    Since the data bank is not updated yet.

    Seem to be overdrawn.

    Just keep it to ourselves in the KIV tray.

    In case getting spanner thrown at us.

  12. will watch

  13. to Jibberant ...

    I think you mean well but are listening with only one ear and seeing with one eye.  We have a Left AND a right eye.  I suggest you loose your fear of the left and listen to see if they really hate this country or if they really are frustrated with this government.  There's a difference you know.

    I agree that it would be nice if we could all pull together for it is true, United we stand, Divided we fall.  But to do that we must have a real goal that ALL Americans can pull for.  We must have a government that does not lie or create war for its own purposes.  This war on Iraq is a lie.  They never have been a threat to us and the Leftists that you fear knew this when Bush and company were tellign us that Saddam Husien was hiding missles under palm trees.  How did we know this?  Because we opened our eyes and did a little unbiased research when most were still in shock over 9/11.  We looked for facts, not rhetoric and trite sayings that are supposed to pass for patriotism.   It was abundantly obvious that the Bush administration was lying but when we called him on it, the emotionalism of the time called us "Unpatriotic" and we went to war on lies.

    The facts are that most of the fight against us, including the attackers of the Twin Towers, come from Saudi Arabia.  Do a little research on this.  Even Iraq is begging the Saudi Governemtn to crack down on suicide bombes coming from Saudi Arabia - but you dont' see us invading Saudi Arabia.  


    Do some research.  Check out the connections created during WWII and Saudi Arabia.  Check out the Bush family connections to Saudi Arabia.

    For God's sake stop talking about "Liberal Media!"  The media is owned by people like Rupurt Murdoch who is close friends with GW Bush!  Disney, about as conservative a corporation as they get, owns ABC TV!  Fox TV liberal?  Even PBS - they rarely if ever present the views of the left but opt for the conservative and the middle of the road instead.  They whooped it up for the war just like all the other media.

    CBS news fired an army General they had on staff because he desented against the war!

  14. My Answer: It seems to me the government is being

    questioned constantly. They get tons of letters, there are

    protests, and there are boycotts. I sorta wish people would

    back their government, for once. (united we stand, divided

    we fall).

    SOrry, I did not look at your video. Don't have time.

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