
Are you Americans satisfied of your government?

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What would you like to change?




  1. no one should ever be completely happy with their government but the US has one of the best in the world regardless of who our president is

  2. America since it's first foundation was corrupt, and will end so.

  3. No, I am not happy with our government.  I would change a lot of things but I would start with the Electoral System.  We are not a true democracy because the individual's vote still does not decide the outcome of a presidential election.  That's how we end up with a president we didn't even vote for when the actual ballot count says the other guy should have won. Everyone's vote should count not just the popular electoral vote of the state.

  4. just curious...

    what country are you from?

    First thing I would change is the president and then work down from there.

  5. America is headed for a changes nothing

    just grab a beer and forget about it because only the rich make the rules

  6. Our system of government has been in need of freshening up for years. The last few " leaderships" have really pushed the issue to the fore. Here's the latest stats, for your information.

  7. Yes.  I am happy our President has the wherewithal to stand up for what is right and proper in the world.

  8. I think that juveniles should be held more responsible for their actions.

    They are capable of performing very significant actions, but only receive justice based on being a child. The irony. Age does not prevent the capability to murder, entice, entrap, or otherwise harm.

    They should legally be adults by 15 or 16, since they are well-capable of committing crimes by that age, as well as set trends of a different sort.

  9. absolutely nothing because we cant change anything

  10. I'm happy with our president. Now if all of Washington was republican... the world would be a better place.

  11. even the mona lisa is falling apart.


    I am so sick of these fricken idiots calling the United States a Democracy! d**n people...did you not take a civics class?

    The reason we are in this mess is because we keep piecing out our liberties to huge government bureaucracies, that don't give a c**p about us! The more we say...can you control this for me and can you control that for me! ...**** ...they love that c**p! Wake up people...You can not have personal freedom unless you allow all of us to be free! Stop making our government bigger...get them out of our lives NOW!

    Vote Ron Paul...and keep what lil' republic we can salvage!

  13. Personally, I have never been more dissatisfied with our dysfunctional government. There is a lot to change. Right now I don't see our government doing whats best for Americans.

    The war on terror is BS. We have people dying in Iraq in the name of security (supposedly) and our borders our porous.

    Homeland security was a good reason to tighten our borders and remove ALL illegals, but we're more worried about who is going to do the cheap menial labor for the hypocrite business owners. Hopefully the rest of the world realizes that our dictator will be leaving office shortly and to have patience.

    The American people don't want wars all over, and we don't want the world to be at constant fear so that they need to beef up their arms. We were headed in the right direction with the end of the Cold War and China opening up, but it seems to be changing back quickly. Globalization is destroying the United States. The only thing the US will be # 1 in, will be WMD's. I say all this because I AM Patriotic and want what our big businesses have given away in the name of politics. What country are you from? Spare room? Just kidding, but I hope for change.

  14. Less than 30% approve of Bush and only about 10% approve of congress. Clearly, our so-called democracy doesn't represent the needs of the general public, rather it represents only the interests of a tiny minority of wealthy elites whose needs include imperialist war, offshoring jobs, driving down workers wages, tax cuts for the very rich, etc . . .

    The interests of the super-rich are diametrically opposite to those of the working class. The capitalist gets richer and richer as workers toil longer and harder for less and less.

  15. I think it's pretty safe to say that at least 70% of all Americans do not approve of the job the government is doing.   That goes for President and Congress.

    I would like to disolve the whole thing and start over, but that is not going to happen because the real leaders won't want the job.

  16. h**l no....:<  change everything. first of all, close down all fast food places.....

  17. I would like for us to go back to our founding principles:  Limited federal government intervention, following the constitution, almost all problems handled at the local and state level.  

    It's as simple as that.

  18. I'm not, none of my family (even the old folks who used to be Republican and Conservative) is, and none of my friends and acquaintances are. Our system of government is wonderful; it's a shame that it's been destroyed by these thieves and hooligan liars in power now. But we have allowed it to happen, by not paying attention. We are now faced with trying to change it all in small increments or by revolution. I'm not sure which way it will go. But change it must, or we will lose our Republic for good.

  19. I am very pissed at our government and administration and feel that the idiots in office are greedy, self centered, arrogant pricks that only care about their profits and corporate buddies in business. The corporations of America own the politicians and see to it that they are given millions of dollars for campaigns and in return the politicians see to it that the corporate elite profit even if they are unlawful. I say we need a revolution to throw these bums out on their asses!!!!!

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