
Are you Close Friends with your Co-Workers?

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I have heard that guys in the army, firefighters, police, etc. become very close in their jobs and take care of eachother like family. Those are kind of male dominated occupations. Do you know any occupations with men and women where co-workers really care about eachother? THANKS!




  1. Sometimes i think that it may not necessarily have to do with the field you are in, but more with the personalities of the people you work with. Firefighters, police, etc are very close, in my opinion, because they depend on each other to be safe, and sometimes they put their lives in each other's hands and they need to be able to trust their coworkers with such a responsibility.

    I work at a small hedge fund, only about 14 people, and we are all very close. All of our personalities click very well, we all have a similar sense of humor and we all knoweach otherr very well. My one coworker just got married and invited everyone to his wedding, which was so fun. So we all hang out outside of work too, because we all get along.

    No matter where, you work, there will more than likely always be someone you don't get along with or don't like, but if you can find a group of people you do care about, I would stick with the job because sometimes that's not easy to find. You could also grow closer in time.  

  2. The reason why its those jobs because anything that happens to one of their own  effects the other.  In the army it can be women and men as well. Same w/ the other professions.  You dont see that much in the Whitecollar world because its like dog eat dog kind of scenerio but it also depends on people themselves. Also it take months and months to build that bond. I wish it was like that in some professions.

  3. The other answers have given you good reasons why employees in those particular professions tend to be close to their coworkers.

    I work in an office, accounting and admin and a little bit of everything.  I've worked in state government, on a team of more than 200 in a department of 14,000; I've worked at companies where it was just me and the owner.  And I've worked in all sorts of companies in between.  Some people are gregarious and pick up friends wherever they go.  Other people are like me - after I've spent 40 hours at work listening to everybody's life stories and their work gripes and their personal phone calls, I am NOT interested in hanging out with you in the evening or on weekends.  I need that time away to decompress.  

    Sure, I'll join the gang for dinner once in a while, or a drink now and then, or a hockey game.  But on a regular basis, when I go home, I want to be with my family.  I don't care about my coworkers any less than someone else cares about theirs.  I just don't want to hang out outside of work.

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