
Are you Democrat, Republican, or Neutral?

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You don't have to answer this part but, is there any specific reason you are in that party? I mainly want to know what the majority is in.




  1. I'm a Rockefeller Republican. You've never heard of us 'cuz I'm pretty sure I'm the last one. We existed until the Religious Right co-opted our Party in order to win over Southern Xians.

    I no longer recognize the poseurs who call themselves Republicans. We USED to be the Party of fiscal responsibility, but now they're the Party of tax cuts for the wealthy and corporate special interests combined with unchecked Federal spending.

    I voted for McCain in the 2000 Primary in my state but I don't even recognize him anymore either. He is pandering to the extreme Right and the religious zealots in order to get elected.

    I never thought I'd hear myself say this but after Obama's acceptance speech, I think I'll be voting for him. I'm 50 yrs. old and I've never felt that inspired. And I've heard a ton of speeches in my life.

  2. I'm registered as Independent but I lean more toward Republican. I have never vote Democratic so I would say more Republican then anything else.

    I was thinking of registering under Republican but will stay Independent for now.

    I supported Bush and I now support McCain

    I think abortion should be outlawed it was put into place unlawfully to begin with and not long after the birth control pill was put into place so why do we need it. And I think abortion has demeaned woman more then any other law in history.

    Vote McCain

  3. Independent, but in this race I'll be voting for Obama.  

  4. I think both parties are a joke, but the Democrats' intellectual dishonesty scares me more than the Republicans' prejudices.

  5. i am independent, prefer libertarian, but will lean democrat, when forced to choose between those two parties

  6. Independent.  I think both parties have some good points and some bad ones, but I will never register as either.

  7. i am a hardcore rightwing conservative first, Republican second.  I believe in borders, language, culture (thanks Dr. Savage), personal responsibility.  i believe one's hard work should be rewarded and not distrtibuted by government to those who did not have a hand in it (socialism/communism).  i believe in a strong national defense and the 2nd amendment as written in the constitution.  I believe one's achievements should be considered, not their race, gender,  religion, ethnicity, etc (i hate affirmative action).  that's just a few reasons....

  8. I am a Democrat.  I was a Republican because I grew up in a Republican family, but the policies of the Democratic Party (rational economics, treat people fairly, avoid war if possible) are what I have believed in my adult life, while the policies of the Republican Party (everything for the rich, bankrupt the treasury, genteel racism and antisemitism, demonizing minorities, and start war whenever its profitable) are ones I disagree with.

  9. I'm a registered Libertarian, and dues paying member of the LP to boot.

    But for this election, I think of myself as a Republican as I'm backing McCain.  

  10. i am a registred voter but i am registered with no party, i just find that with both parties there are polices that i could just never get on board with

  11. I was actually pretty Independent until McCain chose his bible hugging VP.

  12. Republican-

    I take responsibility in my own actions and don't expect the government to solve my problems for me, or give me hand me outs.  I understand that when businesses thrive, they are able to sell cheaper products to us, the "little" people.  I also am one of the few African Americans that can see how Democratic policies actually hurt the black community while the Republican party wishes to push the community into realizing they are not victims, but in fact people in control of their own lives.

  13. I am non-partisan for the very reason this election has brought to light, the fanaticism, denial, hypocrisy, and illusion partisan followers practice in the name of their party.  George Washington warned us of this happening.  The future of our nation has been handed over to people who care very little about its citizens and moreso about their selfish interests.

  14. I'm an independent voting democrat. If McCain was going to fix the economy, end the war, and be for universal healthcare, then I'd be an independent republican. The only thing I do like about McCain is that he's pro-life and anti g*y marriage like me. :)

  15. Always have been and always will be Republican, and not ashamed to admit it!

  16. I used to be Democrat, now I am Neutral in that I am not in any group...I do have a horse in the race however...

    The Democrats f*cked me over...plain and simple as that...

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