
Are you Democrats getting nervous yet ,because of Sara Palin?

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I think the Obama crew should come up with a new strategy. Dogging her on her lack of Foreign Policy experience isn't gonna cut it. If you remember correctly Obama has ZERO experience on Foreign Policy.




  1. the democrats need to be worried .....obama sucks

  2. No, because when it comes Obama's pick of Joe Biden, Sarah is "Palin" by comparison!

  3. Scary Disclaimer:  I am a Libertarian.  

    *  I think Sen. McCain made a poor choice in Sara Palin.  I don't know any of her stances on anything.  I mean, I've at least heard of Joe Biden (side note to Sen. Obama:  nothing says "Change" like a running mate whose been in the corrupt congress for 30+ years), but up until today I couldn't have told you who Sara Palin was!

    I think Sen. McCain chose Sara Palin to try and grab some of the "on the fence" Hilary supporters, now that she has come out and lied with a smile on her face at the Democratic National Convention and said that she fully supports Sen. Obama.

  4. Obama released that statement, then realized their stupidity and took it back.  

    McCain / Palin 2008  

  5. We democrats are

    1)Not getting nervous

    2)Not ragging on Sara Pallin for that.

    McCain has cited Obama's "inexperience" on a daily basis, but Pallin has even less experience than McCain says obama has. Obama has done a great many things during his time as community organizer, state senator, and U.S senator. And one of the things that comes with being a U.S. senator is foreign policy experience, because you deal with international issues. What has pallin done? Nothing. In her extremely short career as mayor then governor, she has passed virtually zero important legislation. That, coupled with the fact that as a governor, of remote Alaska no less, she has had to deal with no foreign policy issues, and so has absolutely zero foreign policy experience.

    But i suppose that what the big issue here is that McCain, being very old and liable to kick the bucket in office, would be willing to hand over the presidency to someone who takes the youth and experience that he hates about obama and takes it to the next level. Hypocrite.

  6. Bravo Brooke!   Excellent question. Big thump up!   LOLOL

    You are so right about Obama.  Hahaha .....

  7. Sarah Palin brings all the threat of Dan Quayle.

    And that's ANOTHER reason McCain is Bush 3!

  8. No,we are delighted!

    Hockey Mom for VP!   Take that, Russia, a hip check and no cupcakes for you!

  9. no were not nervous...nobody even knew who the h**l she was until today. lol. shes a non factor!!! and plus everyone knows that biden will eat her alive when they debate

  10. LOL, sorry but she sucks.

    Members of your own party switched their vote because of this.

    That was just dumb, is the TRYING to lose???

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