
Are you Excited that we may have the first female VP and a great chance at the first Female President?

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this is awesome for america

and for people everywhere, that if you work hard no matter who you are you can make it...




  1. Whether Palin was a good pick or not is not exactly relevant.  What is relevant is the nature of John McCain’s decision making in this instance.

    Let that simmer with you for a moment.  At the first sign of trouble, McCain abandoned his game plan and went instead with a high risk maneuver that thus far seems to have some pay off, but is coming with a high cost.

    What does that say about how he’ll behave in the realm of foreign policy?  Will he abandon any semblance of a safe and tested plan in favor of a high risk move that will put us and our families in danger?  What about terrorism?  In a McCain administration, I think that this indicates that instead of pursuing a smart and tough anti-terrorism policy, he would engage in a reckless and reactionary response that would only make us less safe and likely put us in another war.

    We can discuss the lack of qualifications for Sarah Palin, and there are plenty, but the biggest problem is that it indicates that John McCain’s temperament and judgment is far below the standards necessary to serve in the Oval Office.

  2. I couldn't agree with ja'aj more!

    Btw, did you THINK before you posted this question?

    Do you not realize how condescending and how obvious it is that you are 'attempting' to appease women on here? Ugh!

    You know, I could add much more to what I have stated, but, I won't go there because I think you're simply too ignorant and chauvinistic to listen to me or ANY woman, for that matter.

    I will refrain from getting excited about anything unless and until I see an improvement from the current administration!

  3. Most people don't vote just because of a person's s*x.  Not intelligent people, that is.  

  4. Sorry, but I don't vote for someone based on what they have between their legs; anyone who does is sexist and unintelligent. What Hillary had was MUCH MORE than being a woman. She had the ability to LEAD this country. Palin does not. The fact that John McCain assumes that he can get the female vote by picking a female VP is very insulting to women. Does he really think we are *that* naive and easily persuaded?

  5. Games people play.  Ughh.    

  6. Aw Big Jay...and I admired you until now!!

  7. She is mayor of a small town and knows nothing about politics. She was chosen to appeal to right wing evangelical women God help the US if they win.  

  8. I'm excited that McCain has picked a GREAT running mate- someone who is ready to serve today and lead tomorrow. The fact that she is a woman is just icing on the cake.  

  9. No! Not at all.........

  10. Hi!

    (OMG! You're a Republican? *sigh*)

    Okay. Nice try, but - and I am a dyed-in-wool, hard-core feminist -(maybe you can tell by now? -yeah)

    -plus- that is sooo condescending...  yeah, it is... ("no matter who you are" sounds like "even if you are a girl")

    NOT just "any" woman, and believe me, this is "just any" woman.  

    What "hard work" is that, b t w?

    I was VERY excited at the prospect of a WOMAN PRESIDENT!

    Not only would it have been precedent-setting... but Hillary Rodham Clinton would have - and WILL- make an EXCELLENT President.

    Gender not withstanding.


    (and it was a very savvy "move" on McCain's part -to a point)

    Not this (Alaskan) woman, and CERTAINLY NOT! a Republican -anything!

    Not so long as they want to control women, and continue to try to dictate Constitutionally FORBIDDEN! Religious nonsense !

    Enough is enough. Bah.  }:>

  11. No, it really doesn't mean much to me. Women are just people like men, and they can make mistakes too, and can even be corrupt like men.

  12. lol...almost as bad as d**k Chaney havin a stroke once a month...and then gettin all hopped up on geritol and shootin people in the face....I think there should be and age limit on running for one over 45..

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