
Are you FOR or AGAINST to build a border to keep illegal immigrants out?

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jussst wondering! it's just nice to see other opinions out there..




  1. Actually, this fence was part of the plan that President Reagan bargained for when he signed the 1.2 million person amnesty during his term. The 1.2 million got in, but congress sat on their butts and never built the fence.

    Now here we are again, dealing with the same issue, and the real issue is how out of touch and well as lazy... Congress has been.

    They even undermine our presidents and prevent actual work from getting done in the country. Its time to wake up America and stop whining how the "president" is responsible for everything when its much closer to home than that. Its your vote going to slacking, lazy or ineffective representatives and / or senators that have put us in this place.

  2. The border fence has stopped a huge amount of crime at this point.  Most of that crime was in the barrios along the border, but narcotics, murders and much, much more have almost stopped in some communities.

    Where they build fences, the employers have less trouble hiring American Citizens.  When American Citizens are available, that is who is hired.  

    I support the fence.  And if we ARE wanting to help the illegal aliens, or help the Mexican Nationals, it would be far, far cheaper to do so in their country rather than here.   From education to medical care, the cost of supplying those items would be less than a tenth of the cost in the United States.

  3. I am for it.

  4. I am for building the fence to keep out illegal invaders, immigrants come here legally, I am also for lining it with mines and giving border patrol the right to shoot on sight!!!

    Report and Deport!!

  5. Most Americans are for the border wall. It has finally dawned on them the damage illegal immigration is doing to this country.

  6. This needs to be on the ballots. Can you imagine getting people to vote for this?? Suddenly, it would kick the politicians in the *** to actaully do something rather than ignoring the issue everyday. Americans want a wall to keep illegals out. Plain and simple.

  7. Im all for it.

    its causing such a strain on our country,

    our schools are overcrowded,

    we are losing jobs to them,

    i cant go to any fast-food place without having to point out to the menu what i want,

    they are taking advantage of our  welfare services,

    im sure crime nation-wide would go down,

    and much less graffiti from wall and fences,

    i dont think its a racist problem,

    its a problem all of us are struggling to deal with,

    we need to deport every illegal, our country needs to take a stand, and it starts with who we want in our country

  8. FOR!!!!!

    Unless of course someone can explain exactly why, with logical reasons, why a Sovereign Nation is not allowed to protect their borders and citizens.

    By the way I said LOGICAL, not emotional or religious.

  9. Border Patrol has made it widely known their job is nearly impossible without some form of deterrent like the border "fence".

    It was never designed to stop every single illegal, just slow them down so they are more easily caught and deterred from entering.  And it works, and has been proven to work.

    What's more important, some endangered insect, or the people of the U.S. I choose people, Build the darn wall already.

  10. Im for it, its only right. I dont know why this is a hot topic when the answer is clear as day.

  11. for and i think we need to let convicted criminals to the work

  12. For and we need to round up all illegals and send them home to what ever country that they came from.

  13. The borders are already in place. Border security/enforcement are important.

    Completing the border fence on the southern border will aid in slowing the flow of illegal aliens, drug runners, and Mexican military incursions.

    The completed fence will not stop illegal aliens, but it will slow the flow.

    The drug runners will have to find another route.

    And the Mexican army won't have the "I was lost" excuse.

  14. I'm for a DMZ modeled after the one that separates North and South Korea.  Mine fields and shoot to kill orders for infiltrators.

  15. u mean wall !!!??? well i think than there would not be anything more damaging to the environment than building a wall of the length that wall would require  , plus  I'm pretty sure it would take around 15 minutes to go from one side of it to the other ... i am not going into details but one just have to think a bit about how one would go over it to realize is not really that hard . Cameras would not be enough either since they obviously cannot capture anyone by themselves . i am against the wall and not so against the Cameras .... i am for a comprehensible immigration reform too . to be able to understand if the wall would work or not one has to think about what one would do to get to the other side and how easy would it be .

    about what will happen in the next term as the Americans vote i think it is obvious the Republicans who were against the legalizing the undocumented and did not passed the founding for the wall are about to lose the following elections .

    EDIT : i believe Michael Chertoff was very clear when he said than he regretted to not see the comprehensible immigration reform pass and than that in particular would make their jobs much easier .

  16. We don't need an actual concrete wall per se

    We can have use hi-tech towers (project 28) to save concrete

    Yet we need a wall in urban areas

    And put one way doors so illegals can leave the US but never come back

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