
Are you Indoors or Outdoors?

by  |  earlier

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i wonder if there is anyone on the laptops outdoors ?





  1. Outdoors! I'm on my lawn, on my laptop. Lol..beautiful morning ;)

  2. I'm outdoors on my labtop, I am sitting on my deck enjoying the cool morning ♥

  3. no i'm indoors today

    ...but for a while I did go through a phase where I always sat with my laptop on Y!A outside on the prickly, dry, australian grass...somehow getting itchy legs didnt bother me

  4. Indoors but i may go outside with my laptop,nver done that before. Dam i can't it's raining like usual :(         From England

  5. Outdoors in the Summer House

  6. Indoors, feet up, in front of the TV, laptop on my laptop!

  7. Indoors, sitting on my **** on the computer.

  8. indoors =D

  9. I'm indoors on my laptop. =] haha

  10. I'm inside, my mum would kill me if i took the computer outside. Not to mention it's dark and cold so i wouldn't want to go out there anyway :)

  11. Indoors. :)

  12. outdoors on the back porch with my moms laptop (sister is hogging the computer)

  13. indoors (:

  14. Indoors

  15. Indoors.

  16. indoors  

  17. uhhh.. i really don't know. I'm outside our apartment but inside the school. so what do you call that? pfft.. im on laptop ayt now.

  18. I am inside but sitting next to the door and frequently going outside. I am watching for a couple of bears that have been frequenting my yard. Hope they don't eat my garden!


  20. At the moment outdoors  =]

  21. outdoors, its like 7:14 here, and its really actually kinda cold. So i think i'm gonna go indoors soon.

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