
Are you Italian?

by Guest45394  |  earlier

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would you like to go to italy?




  1. No


  2. No and yes

  3. No, but everybody I know including my family think so. Yes, I would love to visit Italy. Italian food is my favorite food to cook and to eat.

  4. YES and YES!

  5. Italian and German, what a combo!

  6. No, Hungarian.

    I've already been to Italy!  I loved it.

  7. No and No thanks

  8. Yes and yes. I've been there, it's fantastic. I want to die in italy Michael Corleone style.

  9. No sorry I"m not,But yes I"d love to go......When do we leave???

  10. do i look italian?

  11. no and yes, ive been there before actually...amde out with a hot italian waiter... its true ladies... the italians can kiss. ;)

  12. no and no

  13. Not Italian but i would like to go to Italy and enjoy the wine and food until I can't eat anymore.

  14. no,but i like italian food

  15. I'm Greko...Mediterranean 2 ;-)

  16. No and no.

  17. No. Itally sounds nice though

  18. I'm not italian,  but I would like 2 visit Italy.

  19. No, and I hate people who think they are better than everyone else because they are Italian.

  20. Qui,Qui.

  21. yes one day i think it would be wonderful to go to italy.

  22. I am Italian...I would love to go to grandfather moved back there about 4 years ago....So when i go I can stay with him.

  23. Yeah, i'm Italian...though i haven't been to Italy, I would love to go because the country is absolutely amazing. Pasta, pizza, awesome sites, what more could ya want? Plus the soccer team is not too shabby, haha.

  24. I'm not but I would still love to go.

  25. My fathers Irish and my mothers Italian. Ive got a huge Italian family and all thay talk bout is how great Italy is. We go there every year and i luv goin back. Luv a pretty Italian gurl just as much as a hot, tan, American gurl.

  26. no i am not italien but i will visit it soon  and speacialy san siro stadium :D FORZA MILAN
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