
Are you Jealous of the US?

by Guest59759  |  earlier

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I think that the people accusing the US of being petty and whining over people who blatantly cheat at the Olympics or whatever are just jealous. Look at the history of the US and how many people, if given the chance would migrate to the US.




  1. I think we should have just protested the Olympics all together this year. China doesn't have a thing such as human rights. They are a pretty barbaric country. Team USA all the way!! =D

  2. Isnt is too late to boycott now?

    Maybe i think too much, will people say something like US can't face the failure so withdraw before finals? or would people criticise the athletics win gold medals are cheaters due to US boycott?

    PS. No jealous to US.

  3. Why do you think people are jealous of US? For what?  A going down economy and sports.  You are very naive.  


    wat is wrong with u ppl.

    if they had steroids in their system the wouldnt hve been able to participate and they would hve lost their medal if they had. so shut up and stop being an idiot.

  5. Why is it when anyone from another country questions America they are considered to be jealous? If you think other nations are jealous of you then you are naive and immature and need to get out and do some travelling. As a Brit I can happily recognise the achievements of Michael Phelps, Michael Johnson and Carl Lewis and I'd place among the greatest of all Olympians but can you tell me who Steve Redgrave and Daley Thompson are? America is a very insular and inward looking country that fails to consider the achievements, thoughts and desires of other nations in the world. What is good for America isn't always good for the rest of the world.

  6. thats a tad bit cocky i dont think you cheated and indeed jealouys of phelps i think hes cloned from fish that guy is an amphibian thats the only way i can come to terms with his success but be warned Jason Dunford is not an idle threat

  7. i'm sure you're american, like me.  i think we are doing pretty good.  i don't want to say that we are better than all countries morally, tho.  i'm not in the position to do that.  :)

  8. hey!!!

    i haven't got any thing against the usa!!! i think you have some outstanding atheltes  like michael phelps!!! he is class!!! winning 8 gold medals!!! and this is coming from an irish person whos team has won no medals to date!!! but with 2 boxers guaranteed at least a bronze we are doing well!!!ha!!! if you look at the population in china and the usa and even britain they all have a huge advantage to some small countries!!! china has 200 million in the age 17-27 alone while ireland only has 4 milloin in total!! young and old!!! i dont agree with people cheating!! it ruins the games!! those who cheat and take drugs should never be allowed to compete again!!! would agree many people migrate to america!!! something like 75 million people claim to be of irish descent and many of them in the usa when irish people migrated there!!

  9. No, I am ashamed of US being a nation of whiners and criers who cannot take losing graciously.

    I am ashamed, too, that USA has the largest number of drugs cheats.

    I am not from USA, and neither am I from China.  But USA makes such a great deal out of it when USA is in second position, and starts pointing fingers at others that they cheated.  Is the Olympics Committee a bunch of retards?  Is the American representative on the Committee a traitor to USA, that he changed rules for China?  Come on, Americans, get over the "loss" that you feel, even though USA is in second position (if you think that is a loss!).

  10. Lol, close the doors on the melting pot? Do you realize that the US thrives partly BECAUSE it accepts so many different talents from different countries? Shawn Johnson's coach is Chinese. Nastia Liukin is Russian American. And this is not just in gymnastics or the olympics. I can go on and on.

  11. I like the USA,

    The USA's just a proud country, and don't worry every country complians,

    The USA have always dominated the Olympics and i found it odd that u havn't toped the Chinese yet, but i think Americans still should be proud no matter where u finish ur a great country in my eyes ,

  12. The day United States become a third world country, you won't see them winning so many medals anymore

  13. As a fellow American I want to thank you for your obviously "informed" post.

    First of all I'd like to examine the PROOF that you have that someone cheated. You seem to be pointing a finger and I'd like to see your proof. If you have none and are merely speculating then I respectfully ask that you cease.

    While it is true that numerous people have made the USA their new home by "immigrating" there it is also true that other countries have their share of immigrants.

    I realize that you are not stating that the USA is better than everyone else but this is how the children that read this page take it.

    I also realize that you need to step back and logoff, or learn to take things with a slightly different perspective. American Bashing is the favorite olympic event on this page. Once you realize that a post can't go by without some of it happening you will be the better for it.

  14. I am very happy living in Australia thanks and no I am not jealous.

    Jealousy is a wasted emotion.

  15. As an Aussie I'm not jealous at all that's just how it is, as far as me wanting to migrate to the US. You have got to be kidding I already live in the best country in the world. I have nothing at all against the US and the folks I meet from there are nice people but if any thing they are migrating to OZ. I don't know about anyone else but I have noticed more and more Americans here then ever before.

  16. Unfortunately the history isnt the future, and at the present moment China has more gold than the US when it comes to the Olympics. When it comes to migration, it is usually because of economical or political reasons that a person is suffering from on their own country, not because the US is the greatest. I know people that would love to go back to their country here in the US, but would prefer not to because of those issues I mentioned. I live here in the U.S, and trust me, I'd migrate to Canada if I could.

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