
Are you NORMAL!??!?

by Guest60653  |  earlier

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4 years old, she can pour from a pitcher without spilling, cut a line and copy the letter X.





  1. If you ever find anyone who is normal, their the only one on earth and prolly very lonely...

    Crazy People Rule

  2. No and yes.

  3. I am not normal...far from it.... I taught my children to read by the time they were three, writing and the rudiments of cooking were learned at four , and they were pretty much able to fend for themselves by the time they were ten...

    In motor skills, I would say she is probably slightly advanced.

  4. "Normal" is relative.

    And yeah, she sounds normal. I was doing my multiplication tables by the time I was four.

  5. Yes I am, and she's a typical 4 year old.

  6. I know four year olds who can almost beat adults in chess, drive a car while being held on a lap, shoot a gun, put puzzles together,etc

    I think your preschooler needs to get it steppin.

  7. no im not normal, and NANCY might have down syndrom

  8. No, She is unique!

  9. depends on what your perspective of normal is. ANd yes nancy is normal  by normal i mean an average kid

  10. What is "normal"? Who draws the line for "normal"? Nancy sounds typical to me, but I don't know about normal.....because I don't know what "normal" is!

  11. I am as normal as I think I am.

    a 4 years old can pour her own drink without spilling, sound like a very brilliant girl :)

    I don't know about cutting a line and copy the letter x part :P

    Maybe she has inherited some sort of super power :D

  12. normalicy is a societal thing so i guese that i would not be normal.society has to many glitches and snitches.and rules like no junk cars in the yard and keeping your grass cut.

  13. none of us are tecnically normal. if we were then a lot of people would be the same. this four year old is just very intelligent... she has a gift, so dont spoil it.

  14. That's ... normal for a 4 year old =/

  15. No one is "normal".

    Nancy sounds like a typical 4 year old

  16. and i f you could help would i be rude to change your question in my cucumstance and say yes i am "more full"

    everygeneration shares their own ideas

  17. phhh...i am so not what youwould call "normal" lol

  18. She is normal, I am not.
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