
Are you One of the Ones tired Of hearing about Obama?

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Today's polls show according to yahoo alerts that most americans are tired of hearing about Obama ,are you one of them. To be honest, I am sick to death of the name,24/7 I agree we need a break.




  1. I don't even like to turn the t.v on because I'm so tired of seeing Obama's face and hearing his voice, I dread if he gets elected, if he is in our faces this much now and he is only a candidate, just imagine how much we will be subjected to him after he becomes president. It will be Obama all the time. he will probably have television stations devoted to just him, 24-7

  2. I too am sick of hearing his name, hearing his voice and seeing his face on the tv and internet. Too much of a good thing is one thing and too much of a not so good politician is torture. What makes it especially hard to take is that he has been repeating the same old rhetoric, showing the same old bad judgment, and making up the same old sorry excuses. The more you see him the more apparent his inadequacies become and its just more than anyone should have to bear.


  4. Yes - I could easily lead the pack of these folks.  I cannot think of one thing I like about that man, or his politics, his religion, his friends and infinitum.   It would be nice if he would just go away.  

  5. He is a presidential candidate, but he does seem to get a lot of attention from the media.  All I have to say is this: if the information is relevant, present it.  A good portion of it is not relevant.  Perhaps if only relevant information were presented, people wouldn't think the media talks about him too much.

  6. Then talk to his opponents who bring up his name constantly, leveling on unsubstantiated claim after another at him, clogging endless news cycles.

  7. I am sick of him. Arrogant a.sshole.

  8. Yes, I am. Not only that but I'm sick of seeing his face on Yahoo. Enough is enough, already. I

  9. It won't end in November when he loses. Then it will become all about him losing because of his race..or name; blah blah blah.

  10. This kind of money wasting goes on every time the election comes up, I picked up on this many years ago. To me this shows just how the love of money and power controls our government even before they are elected. This could be looked upon as a self description of how they will waste when elected. Really just should have the debate maybe once or twice and let that be all.  

  11. Talk to the owner/puppeteer of the Media--(George  Soros)--he hand selected Obama for his own diabolical schemes----just do a search and see what he has done to the U.K. and to the British Pound---he has financially ruined entire nations to aquire more and more wealth.-----sure thats all we will hear on television news------yes----sick of seeing his mug.

  12. Only because everyone talks about him so much.

  13. Then why are you here discussing him and asking questions about him and polls about him? Technically, you are perpetuating the problem you want a break from.  

  14. I'm more tired of McCain knocking Obama instead of talking more sense about himself and something other than the tired taxes song and dance. On top of that nuclear power has been around since the 50's and if it was that great reactors would be everywhere. I'd like to hear him explain where he plans on putting the spent fuel. You know the stuff that has a half life of 1,000 years.

  15. Yes I am!!!!!!!  When he comes on television, I put my remote control to good use - I change the channel fast!  God bless!!!

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