
Are you Pro-Choice ?

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I'm a pro-choice feminist who thinks having babies is mean to orphans. I'm also an atheist who dislikes emotional women and most Christians.

No Joke.

I'm also a Democrat. Oooh I scare you.




  1. whaat?

  2. no

  3. No. It's murder before the child is even born. If you don't want kids, then keep it in your pants. Or get a vasectomy.

  4. d**n communist

  5. i got pregnant at 16!!! and wasnt graduated didnt have a job. wasnt on my own.. now my daughters a year old. im graduated && i have a job and will be moving out on my own soon!!


  6. Abortion is murder plain and simply I'm a democrat as well.

  7. yes yes yes yes yes yes

  8. Yes, I am pro-choice.  It appears that some people here are confused about the definition.  If you are pro-choice, you believe that a woman has the right to choose whether she remains pregnant, if you are pro-life you believe that abortion should be banned.  

  9. If a woman has been sexually abused and is pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy, then she may have to choose to abort the unborn child.

    But some women have chosen to have the baby no matter what the circumstances.

    I have known women who have had abortions and they live with guilt for the rest of their lives.

    It really depends on the situation but it is better to be legalized than to have women go to some illegal facility that is not regulated and could be even worse.

    But legal or illegal an abortion is a horrible thing. It is not painless for the mother or the child and the psychological damage for the mother can go on for years.

    You don't scare me.

    I just think you should go volunteer to talk to some young women who have had abortions and see what they think.

    Hey, I am a guy. What the h**l do I know?

    I'm a Democrat too. Go vote for Obama but for crying out loud, get some more real life experience on this issue.

    I had to talk a girl out of killing herself, guilty as h**l for having three abortions. She was devastated.

  10. no, i'm pro-life!  

  11. abortion is wrong - its murder!

  12. Pro-Reason = Pro-Choice

    I'm pro-anything that you can validate by using as little emotions/feelings as possible :)

    I also love when people give me the thumbs down for my opinion. I love it in a way it confuses me! Are you trying to say I'm not allowed to have an opinion? Or is it that your opinion of my opinion is that my opinion is wrong... by your opinion?? Its confusing!! xx

  13. i am for right now, logically it makes sense but morally it doesnt

  14. no i think people are not responsible enough to create their own choices.

  15. Herbert the Pervert here has vested (er "breasted) interest.

  16. Yes

  17. huh?

  18. I'm sitting on the fence in this "argument"... in a way, i believe that, if lets say, you get raped, or your body is too small or something like that and you get pregnant, then you should be able to get abortion but if you have risky s*x then you should live with the consequences... so I'm borderline

  19. completely.

  20. yes!

    ok its dumb for people to thumbs down other people for giving their opinion!!! holy c**p!

  21. Absolutely. This is the Age of Perceived Entitlement, and in my opinion, no person has the right to harm another person, even if they are renting some space inside you for a few months.

  22. I'm pro-life. Abortion is murder. There are so many people waiting to adopt an unwanted baby and give it a good life, why wouldn't you give it that chance?

  23. Yup.

  24. pro LIFE!

    A question for the pro choice types; aren't you glad your mother was pro life.

  25. Yes, I'm PRO that both men and women should have the choice to be a parent and other family planning options.  
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