
Are you Republicans going to fix your mess in this two month or not?

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So now it is obvious that the economy is in a very bad shape. Are you Republicans going to fix your mess in this two month or not?




  1. Let's see, they have to deal with:

    * no one knowing where McCain stands on issues because he spends all his time attacking Barack Obama

    * McCain frowning on a bill that bolsters equal salaries for women in the workplace

    * Bristol Palin's pregnancy versus her mother's "abstinence only" s*x education and cutting funding for pregnant teens

    * Palin's hatred of polar bears

    * Palin's "bridge to nowhere" and the fact that she lied about it

    * Palin's shady involvement in getting her former brother-in-law fired

  2. Is Obama ready to stop being a celebrity running for president? I don't think so. Maybe you guess should look at what he did. Oh wait, nothing!. He voted outta 125 times, PRESENT. HE MADE NO CHANGE. So what change will your "savior" bring?

  3. Stop your whining. It is only a mental recession.

  4. Amen.  It is a mess.  Who ever gets in, certainly will have their work cut out for them.  It is going to take ever bit of the 4 years, plus more if they are lucky enough to get elected again, to clean up all that is wrong with this country.

    Bush went hog wide.  No one could seem to stop him.

  5. I asked a month or so ago, will the DOW be lower when our president leaves office than when he entered?

    Fix it? Some refuse to recognize it even though they pay the same price for gas as everyone else. Most others will refuse to accept the famous accountability and responsibility we always hear about. One thing they all have in common, they will blame the dreaded liberals for all of America's woes.

  6. no they will blame it all on obama.....typical republican!

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