
Are you a Christian?

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I am just wondering are you a Christian yes or no and why or why not?




  1. Yes, I am a Christian. Because Jesus Christ is really God.

  2. no.

    because i really don't care.

  3. No.

    I am not a Christian because I paid attention in bible school, studied, prayed, educated myself and figured out it was all one big obvious lie.  

  4. no, I was raised christian and was the vice-pres. of my high schools bible club which made me study the bible more, and it disgusted me with all the intolerance

  5. Yes, because the bible is the truth.

  6. You ask the question, are you a Christian?

    I just wonder if, we know what makes us a christian. We cant just say

    you a Christian, without knowing why you claim to be Christian?

    There is more to becoming a Christian, than just saying, you are a

    Christian. The Devil believes and trembles. So, why is it that you

    call yourself a Christian. Believing is not enough.

  7. Yes, I'm Catholic and the name means Universal Christian.

  8. yes because it is the truth and the only way to God  

  9. yes! could you answer mine;...


  10. That is an excellent question.  However, the term Christian is so loose in society today.  I believe in Christ but not religion so I call my self a believer not a Christian.  I think religion has a distorted  perspective no one person  truly believes the same as everyone else.  So in a way I could also be a neo-pagen.

    Food for thought....

  11. Dear David,  It is my highest ambition to become worthy of the title "Christian".  I reach for that goal, not as if it is already attained.

    I believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God and that He came specifically to No1. Live a life in perfect harmony with the will of The Father and No2. To die on the cross as The Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world.

    His reward for His excellence in this quest is to be Named both Lord and Christ by God The Father and to be given all power in heaven and earth.

    Salvation is come to mankind in The Name of Jesus Christ, not the titles of The Trinity.

    "The Word was with God and The Word was God. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us"

    The Holy Trinity with all due respect and reverence did not shed one drop of blood on the cross.  In Matt 28:19 Jesus declares His universal authority even The Father, Son and Holy Ghost is identified by His Name.  
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