
Are you a LEADER or a FOLLOWER?What's your sign?

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Are you a LEADER or a FOLLOWER?What's your sign?




  1. Leader in projects and anything serious.


  2. I'm a leader, I go insane when people tell me what to one tells Wicked what to do....

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  3. Leader

    I am usually the team captain, president, or some type of member.


  4. Leader, always...even if I'm leading no person but myself. I have always been this way.

  5. Hi Eden

    Put it this way, I follow me leads. Does that make me a follower or a leader ? All astrologers have a following so I guess, I am a leader.

  6. Depends on the situation....If it is something I have no knowledge of then I will follow to learn

    If it is something that I know about, I tend to lead....

    If it is some kind of crisis, I am quick to think on my feet and usually lead or am pushed to lead....

    If it is the path in which I travel...I am my own leader down that path of life....




  7. neither... i go where i want to go

    pisces sun, taurus moon, scorpio rising...

    i don't like telling people what to do and i don't like being told what to do... but if i really have to choose one, leader

  8. Eden, let's get one thing straight. I'm a leader in everything and fight for all my friends. BUT, the only timeI let myself be led is when someone takes me in the bedroom. Then, I give in LOL..  I am not a Bouncer or a leader, I become a Follower.

    But if I'm horny, I remain a leader and the follower is being dragged in the bedroom. LOL

  9. Leader! My chart is made up almost entirely of cardinal signs.


  10. leaderrrrr :D

    i'ma sag.

  11. Leader. Everyone just turns to me during group works for some reason even if I have never met them before. I can do either but leader's what I do most of the time.


  12. LEADER

    cardinal signs: cancer sun, aries rising

    fixed signs: taurus moon

    im made up of cardinal and fixed. makes me love to lead, and very stubborn ^_^

    my aries ascendent gives my soft cancer a confrontational edge, while my taurus moon makes me down to earth and logical.


  13. definetley a leader when it comes to projects/work and personality..i dont really follow trends. im taurus with leo rising

  14. Both. It depends on the situation.

    Capricorn :)

  15. Sometimes i can be a leader depending on the situation,but i would say i'm really a follower mostly.

  16. was a leader now i am a follower,

    no regrets i get paid still

  17. I like to lead, but quietly. I'm a scorpio, and I'm a perfectionist. But, I don't like too much attention, so, I'll sneak my way around to make it my way or the high way because second isn't good enough for me, I have to be the best. For example, I'm pretty artsy, and we had to get partners for this school project, and I didn't exactly get along with my partner, and she was cutting out the stuff from magazines all sloppy, and ick, so the night before it was due- mind, it wasn't a HUGE project- I told her "my dog ate half of it" and so I started over. And we got the best grade. It sounds rude, but I was doing her a favor, too. And claiming my victory. I can't be beat in my own element- because of someone else's mistakes and carelessness. It drives me crazy what I'll do sometimes to make things how I want them to be.

  18. If any of the sign is yours

    by the moon is posited

    if it is Aries, Leo, sagittarius, and Aquarius

    willl give natural element as leaders

    remaining is followers in majority of the case we have seen

  19. Scorpio. I do my own thing whether or not other ppl choose to follow me is another story.

  20. always want to be the leader, maybe its my sun conjunct ascendant and sun in 1st!

    plus have like alot of fixed signs in my chart like 8 fixed!

  21. I'm a leader. I'm a Gemini with a Libra moon and a Libra Rising,

  22. Neither, I'm a fixed sign to laid back to lead and to stubborn and independent to follow.


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